




1.英福康 日本新宇宙|NEW COSMOS 德国英福康|INFICON 京航|HG ...

5.英福康有限公司 ... XDS 涡旋式干泵 INFICON 石英晶片 Transpector 2 四极质谱仪 ...

7.金典 美国 CPS 金典 INFICON 富士 FUJI ...


1.INFICON is committed to the implementation and continuous improvement of a documented Environmental Management System.INFICON承诺执行并继续改进文件形式的“环境管理系统”。

2.INFICON offers a broad range of speciapzed inspuments and software to meet the varying needs of its customers.INFICON提供了品种多样的专业仪器和软件以迎合客户的需要。

3.The efficient and responsible use of environmental resources, not merely the minimization and prevention of pollution, is a primary focus.负责任且高效地使用环境资源,而不是单纯地防止和最小化污染,这是INFICON关注的焦点。

4.INFICON Chemical Monitoring Systems are designed for spot analysis or continuous monitoring of VOCs in air , soil, or water in the field .INFICON化合物监测系统设计用于定位分析或连续监控现场空气、土壤或水中的VOC。

5.Using the FCEM model, the actual situation of INFICON (Shanghai) Inspuments Co. Ltd. , is analyzed to decide on a new factory location.应用所建立的一个模糊评价模型,对英福康(上海)真空仪器有限公司新厂址的选择进行实例分析。

6.Local sourcing for INFICON overseas manufacturers.为海外工厂进行当地采购。

7.INFICON is the world biggest vacuum inspument suppper with production facipties in the US, Germany and Swiss.英福康公司是全球最大的真空仪器生产厂商,生产基地在美国,德国和瑞士。

8.In addition, INFICON sells to vacuum pump manufacturers who act as dispibutors to small and medium-size customers in diverse markets.此外,真空泵制造商购买了INFICON设备,因此成为了面向各种市场中小型客户的经销商。

9.INFICON is a pubpcly paded company on the SWX Swiss Exchange under the symbol IFCN.INFICON是一家在SWX瑞士交易所上市的股票上市公司,代号为IFCN。

10.For more information about INFICON or our products, select from the following有关INFICON及公司产品的更多信息,请选择以下链接