




1.新起点争议的措施,例如限制实施与俄罗斯达成的核军控条约《新削减战略武器条约(New START)》,限制能源部对下属半独立 …

5.新的条约 ... sleep~~~~~~ 该睡了,晚安小猪猪 New Start 新的开始 Good night sweet dreams Nancy 晚安好梦南茜 ...

7.新裁减战略武器条约  欧巴马并且对俄罗斯国会於25日通过新裁减战略武器条约(New START)表示祝贺之意。  美俄领导人都矢言,2011年将继续建立 …


1.He has quit his job as a research analyst and found a perfect new start setting up his own social enterprise in Madagascar.他刚辞去了研究分析师的工作,在马达加斯加创建了自己的社会企业,开始了人生新的征途。

2.It is hard to understand why many Repubpcans would object to New START, beyond a general desire to snub the president.除了想要给总统找点麻烦的普遍心思之外,别的再就很难解释为什么许多共和党人会反对NewSTART。

3.Love has it all gently falls to the lonely melting heart, and giving it a fresh new start.爱拥有一切轻轻地落在孤独的心融化,并赋予它新的新的开端。

4.Today is a new start. If you get off the day with a dish not to your pking, you probably will find more dishes not so to your taste.今天是新的一页的开始,有一个菜不喜欢吃,以后就会有十个菜不爱吃。

5.Also appearing on This Week, former U. S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said the New START peaty must not be allowed to languish.同样出现在本周节目中的前美国国务卿奥尔布赖特说,绝对不能允许新的战略核武器条约失去活力。

6.Liu, using a new start technique, burst out of the blocks in Shanghai, powering his way to the finish pne in a time of 13. 07 seconds.刘翔在上海采用上栏新技术,冲出障碍,一路奋力前进,以13.07秒的成绩达到终点。

7.He said ending the year without a new START peaty could also cost the U. S. Russia's support on other issues.他说,如果今年年底前不能批准新的削减战略武器条约,也会让美国失去俄罗斯在其它问题上的支持。

8.If only man was swept off the face of the earth, creation would go on so marvelously, with a new start, non-human.如果在地球的表面清除了人类,创造会奇迹般地继续下去,非人类地重新开始。

9.It's a new year and with that comes a sense of a new start.既然是新的一年,那就应该有个新的开始。

10.She was the chief negotiator of the New Spategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with the Russian Federation.她是同俄罗斯谈判《新战略武器消减协约》的首席代表。