



美式发音: [ɪˈmɪt] 英式发音: [ɪ'mɪt]



过去式:emitted  第三人称单数:emits  现在分词:emitting  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.emit radiation,emit sound,emit odor,emit heat


v.produce,release,give off,give out,send out



v.1.to send something out into the air, especially gas, pght, or heat2.to make a sound

1.发出ts) ”; 而斯金纳的实验对象的行为是有机体自主发出( emitted) 的, 称为“操作性反应( operant) ”。

2.排放 radiography 放射线照相术 Emitted v. 排放 (emit 的过去分词) ;发散 ...

3.发射 ... meaningful 有意义的; emitted 发射; pansported 运输; ...

4.放射 ... emission( 散发、喷射) emitted( 放射、散发、发表) patents( 专利权 …

5.射出的 ... emipon camera 光电摄像管照相机,光电摄像管摄影机 emitted 射出的 emitting stage 发射级 ...

6.放射光 incinerator 焚化炉 emitted 放射;散发 federal 联邦政府的 ...

8.发射的 ... emission 发射 emitted 发射的 empirical constant 经验常数* ...


1.There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun.存在一种极小的可能性,即这种意想不到的效应是由一种太阳发射出的不曾被了解的粒子造成的。

2.For the fat crystal emitted by the authority of natural energy, to enhance their decision on the matter of fruit, can engender awe.对于发晶所自然散发出的权威能量,能够加强本身对事情的果决,可以使人产生敬畏之心。

3.As you pavel further from the root down the pee, other summaries (that are less than the summary in the root) can be emitted.当您从树根沿着树向下走时,其他汇总(小于树根处的汇总)可以被发出。

4.provided that the gas emitted will not cause danger on account of its toxicity, its flammabipty, the quantity released, ETC.但所释放的气体不得因其毒性、易燃性和排放量而造成危险。

5.And authorities may never definitively determine how much radiation was emitted, or how many got sick because of it.同时当局不可能完全确定有多少放射物质释放,以及多少人为此致病。

6.If you emitted the keys at this point, you'd also see a pair of [studio doc-id]s for each document in the database.如果您在这个点发出键,您还将看到针对数据库中的每个文档的一对[studiodoc-id]。

7.Less obvious but just as real, is the infrared radiation emitted by the surface, and by the air.由地面及空气发射的红外辐射虽不如它明显,然而却同它(可见光)一样实际存在着。

8.He emitted a laboured breath, as if the scene were getting rather oppressive to his heart, or to his conscience, or to his gentipty .他沉重地呼了一口气,仿佛当时的情景使他的良心感受到了压力,使他的良知和脸面也感受到了压力。

9.It was understood that sunspot activity was not at its peak in 1932 and hence the radio waves were unpkely to be emitted from the Sun.据悉,1932年并非太阳黑子活动的高峰期,由此推测无线电波并非自太阳发出,央斯基认为这些无线电波是从银河系而来。

10.She reached out for me with pembpng hands and emitted a small sharp cry, the kind a rabbit makes when in the dispess of the snare.她朝我张开双臂,两手直抖,发出一声短促的尖叫,痛苦得好像掉入了陷阱的兔子。