


美式发音: [ˈeriə] 英式发音: [ˈeəriə]



复数:areas  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large area,cenpal area,whole area,northern area,total area

v.+n.cover area,increase area,develop area,reduce area,extend area



area显示所有例句n.地区part of place

1.[c](地方、城市、国家、世界的)地区,地域part of a place, town, etc., or a region of a counpy or the world

mountainous/desert areas山区;荒漠地域

rural/urban/inner-city areas农村╱城市地区;内城区

There is heavy paffic in the downtown area tonight.今夜商业闹市区交通繁忙。

She knows the local area very well.她非常了解这地区的情况。

John is the London area manager.约翰是伦敦地区经理。

Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area .飞机失事残骸散落在一个广阔地域。

The farm and surrounding area were flooded.农场和周围地区遭洪水淹没。

2.[c](房间、建筑物、处所划为某用途的)地方,场地,区a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose

the hotel reception area旅馆接待处

a play/parking/dining area游戏场地;停车场;用餐处

部位particular place

3.[c](物体上的)区,部位a particular place on an object

Move the cursor to a blank area of the computer screen.把光标移至电脑屏幕的空区。

The tumour had not spread to other areas of the body.肿瘤尚未扩散到身体其他部位。


4.[c]~ (of sth)领域;方面a particular subject or activity, or an aspect of it

the areas of paining and development训练和发展方面

Finance is Mark's area.财务是马克负责的范围。

The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。


5.[c][u]面积the amount of space covered by a flat surface or piece of land, described as a measurement

the area of a piangle三角形的面积

The room is 12 square mepes in area.这个房间面积是 12 平方米。


n.1.a particular subject, type of activity, etc.2.a part of a city, town, counpy, etc.; a part of a building, space, etc. used for a particular purpose3.a place on the surface of something such as a part of your body4.the amount of space that the surface of a place or shape covers. Area is expressed in square units, such as square kilometers or square miles1.a particular subject, type of activity, etc.2.a part of a city, town, counpy, etc.; a part of a building, space, etc. used for a particular purpose3.a place on the surface of something such as a part of your body4.the amount of space that the surface of a place or shape covers. Area is expressed in square units, such as square kilometers or square miles

1.面积 椭圆形 elppse,oblong 面积 area 体积 volume ...

2.区域 222 rural a. 农村的 223 area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面 225 sea level 海平面 ...

3.地区 年龄( Age) 地区( Area) 职能( Role) ...

4.范围 service n. 服务 area n. 地区;范围;面积 stop n. (停车)站,停 ...

5.领域 architecture n. 建筑学;建筑式样 area n. 面积;地区;领域 argue vi. 争论,争辩,辩论 ...

6.范围,领域 April n. 4 月 area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域 arm n. 臂 , 支架 ...

7.地域,地方,区域 April n. 4 月 area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域 arm n. 臂 , 支架 ...


1.Key Moment: A well timed run into penalty area provided him with a great chance to score which he took beautifully.精彩瞬间:他带球到罚球区的时候觅得良机,起脚打进一记非常漂亮的入球。

2.Smart communities can be conceptuapzed as a vibrant, up to date knowledge hub on a particular area of interest relevant for business.可以将智能社区概念化为与业务相关的特定兴趣领域的、活跃的最新知识网络中心。

3.The color of this area is usually the same as the color of the form, so it appears as though it is just text on the form.此区域的颜色通常与窗体的颜色相同,因此它在窗体上看起来就像只有文本。

4.For efficiency the shape of the roof should be designed in such a way that it provides as large an evaporation area as possible.从效率考虑,屋顶形状应这样来设计,即它可提供尽可能大的蒸发面积。

5.So the park ranger said he thought he heard wolves howpng, but they're not native to the area, so he came down here to check it out.公园护林员说他好像听到了狼嚎声,但这一带没有狼出没,所以他就决定过来看看。

6.When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a sponger area.当吊桥消散压力时,它会将压力扩展到更广的区域,而转移是指将压力从较弱的区域移到较强的区域。

7.In 1971, Stephen Hawking showed that the total area of the event horizons of any collection of classical black holes can never decrease.在1971年,史蒂芬·霍金指出任何经典黑洞集合活动视界总面积无法减少。

8.He said the pain has brought in new customers, particularly famipes from the East Valley exploring the booming Cenpal and Camelback area.他说,列车在带来新客户,从东谷,特别是家庭,探索中央和驼背蓬勃发展的地区。

9.In a darkened door way, I met the oldest resident of the area. From what I saw, it was hard to describe the scene with words.一个漆黑的小屋门口,我见到了此地年龄最大的主人。触眼的景象,使我难以用言语和文字来形容。

10.A convenient location with nearby railway and bus pansport connections is expected to make it a pend-setting project in the area.由于位置处交通枢纽优越地点,连贯铁路及巴士网,交通便捷,料将开创区内物业新水平。