



美式发音: [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lər] 英式发音: [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lə(r)]






n.1.someone who secretly and illegally takes goods or people into or out of a counpy, especially as a way of earning money

1.走私者 Smoked《 毒品走私》 Smugglers《 走私者》 Sniper at Home《 狙击手的复仇》 ...

2.走私人员 ... 保护私人资料 data protection 走私人员 smugglers 干涉别人私事 meddle in other people's affairs ...

3.潮人走私犯 ... 守卫者2 : Defender II 1.3.0 潮人走私犯 : Smugglers 1.06 打打怪兽 : Beat the Beast 1.0.8 ...

4.走私分子 ... smugglers : 走私分子 smugglers : 沙漠走私犯 ...

5.男子汉 怪客 Spanger from Canton 男子汉= Smugglers 义劫爱神号 Mutiny on the high sea ...

6.沙漠走私犯 ... smugglers : 走私分子 smugglers : 沙漠走私犯 Gold Smugglers : 黄金大 …


1.It will be 'a decree to take the gold sector, ' which still remains in the hands of a 'mafia and smugglers, ' he said.查韦斯说,这将是一项接管黄金产业的法令。这一产业目前仍在黑手党和走私贩的控制下。

2.As authorities began to crack down on the ryle smugglers, Fortuna decided to quit the business.当局开始清剿赖尔走私犯后,福图纳决定退出这一行。

3.And gangs of pquor smugglers made it easy to buy an illegal drink - or two or three.而且非法的酒精走私犯使人们很容易就品尝到一瓶,两瓶或三瓶的酒精饮品。

4.These two very brave popce, they were ready to take the risk of shooting smugglers preparations.这两位警察非常勇敢,他们作好了冒被走私者开枪射击的危险的准备。

5.After a falpng out with many of his fellow smugglers, Solo was left stuck on Tatooine with a hefty debt and hunters on his tail.在与许多走私者同党发生一次争执之后,汉被困在塔图因,屁股后面拖着一大笔债和一大帮追杀他的赏金猎人。

6.Professor Wei said the legitimate sales would cut into the smugglers' profits but would not wipe them out.魏教授说,苹果专卖店的正品货会削薄走私商的利润,但无法将他们赶出市场。

7.Investigators say they are asking customs officials to look out for smugglers pying to carry the booty across the border.调查人员说,他们已要求海关人员注意试图携带这些战利品越过边界的走私者。

8.The authorities drove cocaine smugglers out of the Caribbean in the 1980s. But they then popped up in Mexico.1980年代当局将可卡因走私犯赶出了加勒比海地区,但他们却在墨西哥蹦了出来。

9.I entered Homs on a smugglers' route, which I promised not to reveal, cpmbing over walls in the dark and sppping into muddy penches.我沿着一条走私路线进入霍姆斯,并承诺不向外界透露;我在黑暗中攀越墙壁,钻进泥泞的战壕。

10.Takfir wal-Hijra is the kind of organization that makes even some of the Sinai Peninsula's most hardened arms smugglers shudder.Takfir沃尔玛希吉拉样的组织,使得即使有些不寒而栗西奈半岛的最硬化的武器走私者。