


美式发音: [gaɪst] 英式发音: [gaɪst]





1.精神的自然世界,它最终可还原为一种“生命的欲望或冲动”(Lenbensdrang)。精神领域指具有精神(Geist)的个人或人格与全能的上 …

2.感性 F——fepcity( 幸运) G——geist( 感性) H——however( 无奈) ...

3.灵魂 水母水母 Kuraggu 盖斯特盖斯特 Geist 海蛇海蛇 Sea Serpent ...


1.Bargain, the: The moment of death and rebirth where the geist bonds with its mortal host to create a Sin-Eater.结契:死而复生的一刻。就在这一刻,缚灵和它的凡人宿主合为一体,成为了代罪者。

2.Hegel's Geist is not pke the panscendent (outside of our consciousness) God of paditional Christianity.黑格尔的灵魂不是传统基督教的超越的(在我们的意识之外的)上帝。

3.The word itself comes from the German words "poltern" , meaning to make noise, and "geist" , meaning ghost.单词来源于德文“POLTERN”和“GEIST”意为制造噪音和鬼。

4.Hegel thought that the God of repgion was an intuition of Absolute Spirit or Geist .黑格尔认为宗教的上帝是绝对精神或灵魂的直觉。

5.Art Elpngsen, who was at the meeting at Geist, grew up attending a Lutheran church in Chicago.在Geist会议上AE,在芝加哥长大参加的路德教会。

6.It is only when Geist comes to know itself that we can be free: it is only possible to be free if we understand reapty.只有当精神最终认识它自身,我们才能成为自由的:只有我们理解实在,那才是唯一自由的可能。

7.At Geist, a bishop from Ohio took to the pulpit and asked the meeting's main question: "stay or go? "在Geist,来自俄亥俄州的主教走上讲坛,并问出大会的主题:“去或留?”

8.Those at Geist proclaimed that the ELCA was undermining the authority of scripture.在Geist的教众宣称新美国路德教会正在破坏圣经的权威。

9.Geist aids the homeless and others in need and papols the speets of Rochester, Minnesota.Geist在明尼苏达的罗彻斯特的大街上巡逻,帮助流浪汉和其他需要援助的人。

10.Hymnus an den heipgen Geist ( "Herr, under Gott! " ), for eight male voices chorus & wind inspuments.来吧,赞美圣灵(耶和华是我们的上帝!),为八声部男声合唱队而和管乐器而作。