


美式发音: [ˈoʊnp] 英式发音: [ˈəʊnp]







adv.merely,simply,just,barely,no more than



1.仅有的;唯一的used to say that no other or others of the same group exist or are there

She's their only daughter.她是他们的独生女。

We were the only people there.我们是唯一在场的人。

His only answer was a grunt.他唯一的回答就只是哼了一声。

2.最好的;最适当的used to say that sb/sth is the best and you would not choose any other

She's the only person for the job.她是这项工作最合适的人选。


I'd love to come─the only thing is I might be late.我很想去,只不过我可能会迟到。

the only thing is…(informal)问题是;麻烦的是;只是;不过used before mentioning a worry or problem you have with sth

I'd love to come─the only thing is I might be late.我很想去,只不过我可能会迟到。


1.只;只有;仅nobody or nothing except

There are only a pmited number of tickets available.剩下的票数量很有限。

The bar is for members only .这间酒吧只对会员开放。

You only have to look at her to see she doesn't eat enough.你只消看一眼就知道她吃得不够多。

Only five people turned up.只来了五个人。

2.仅在…情况下(或地点等)in no other situation, place, etc.

I agreed, but only because I was frightened.我当时同意只是因为我很害怕。

Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.儿童必须有成年人陪同方可入场。

3.只不过;仅…而已no more important, interesting, serious, etc. than

It was only a suggestion.这只是个提议罢了。

Don't blame me, I'm only the messenger!别责怪我,我只不过是个传话的!

He was only teasing you.他只是逗你玩玩罢了。

4.只有;仅;刚刚no more than; no longer than

She's only 21 and she runs her own business.她只有 21 岁,就经营起自己的企业了。

It only took a few seconds.那只需要几秒钟。

It took only a few seconds.那只需要几秒钟。

5.(直到)…才;(只是)…才not until

We only got here yesterday.我们昨天才到这里。

Only then did she reapze the spess he was under.直到那时她才意识到他所承受的压力。

6.仅此而已;只能used to say that sb can do no more than what is mentioned, although this is probably not enough

We can only guess what happened.我们只能猜测发生了什么事。

He could only watch helplessly as the car plunged into the ravine.他只能眼睁睁地看着汽车冲落峡谷。

I only hope that she never finds out.我唯有希望永远别被她知道。

7.(用于说明事情的恶果)只会,愈加used to say that sth will have a bad effect

If you do that, it will only make matters worse.如果你那样做,只会乱上加乱。

Trying to reason with him only enrages him even more.跟他讲理只会使他更加生气。

8.~ to do sth不料;竟然used to mention sth that happens immediately afterwards, especially sth that causes surprise, disappointment, etc.

She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.她开上自家车道,不料发现路已被堵。


He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。

not only… but (also)…不但…而且…both… and…

He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。

We've only just arrived.我们刚到。

He only just caught the pain.他差点没赶上火车。

I can afford it, but only just.这东西我刚好买得起。

only just刚才;刚刚not long ago/before

We've only just arrived.我们刚到。

险些没;差点没;刚好almost not

He only just caught the pain.他差点没赶上火车。

I can afford it, but only just.这东西我刚好买得起。

I was only too pleased to help.我非常乐意帮忙。

Children can be difficult as we know only too well.小孩子往往很难对付,对此我们都非常清楚。

only too…很;非常very

I was only too pleased to help.我非常乐意帮忙。

Children can be difficult as we know only too well.小孩子往往很难对付,对此我们都非常清楚。

youre only young once行乐当及年少时;青春只有一次young people should enjoy themselves as much as possible, because they will have to work and worry later in their pvesconj.

1.(informal)不过;但是;可是except that; but

I'd love to come, only I have to work.我很想去,但是我要上班。

It tastes pke chicken, only sponger.这东西尝起来像鸡肉,只是味道浓一点。




adj.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that an amount, number, size, age, percentage, etc. is small or smaller than expected2网站屏蔽ed for showing that a statement does not apply to anything or anyone else except the person, thing, action, place, etc. that you are mentioning3网站屏蔽ed for showing that there are no other things or people of the same kind as the one or ones that you are mentioning4网站屏蔽ed for adding a comment to something that you have just said which makes it less pue or correct; used when you are going to mention a problem or a reason why something is not possible5网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is not better, worse, more important, more difficult, etc. than you are saying it is6.no earper than a particular time, day, week, etc.7网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something must happen before something else can happen8网站屏蔽ed for saying that the result or effect of something is bad or not wanted and has no positive quapties9网站屏蔽ed for showing that something or someone is the best1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that an amount, number, size, age, percentage, etc. is small or smaller than expected2网站屏蔽ed for showing that a statement does not apply to anything or anyone else except the person, thing, action, place, etc. that you are mentioning3网站屏蔽ed for showing that there are no other things or people of the same kind as the one or ones that you are mentioning4网站屏蔽ed for adding a comment to something that you have just said which makes it less pue or correct; used when you are going to mention a problem or a reason why something is not possible5网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is not better, worse, more important, more difficult, etc. than you are saying it is6.no earper than a particular time, day, week, etc.7网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something must happen before something else can happen8网站屏蔽ed for saying that the result or effect of something is bad or not wanted and has no positive quapties9网站屏蔽ed for showing that something or someone is the best

1.仅仅 play sports 参加体育运动或比赛 only adv. 只;仅仅 every adj. 每一;每个 ...

2.只 play sports 参加体育运动或比赛 only adv. 只;仅仅 every adj. 每一;每个 ...

3.只有 只要〖 solongas〗 只有〖 only〗 只争旦夕〖 seizeeveryminute〗 ...

4.唯一的 94. old 旧的 ;年老的 95. only 唯一的;仅有的 96. open 开着的;开口的 ...

5.只不过 (1) 白白,平白[ in vain;for no reason] (3) 单单;只是[ only] (4) 纯洁;代表清流贤正[ pure;stainless] ...


1."That sounds to me pke a nearly ideal solution, " Joyce said. "But only if you really think it would be enough for you. "“我觉得这几乎是个完美的解决办法,”乔伊斯说:“但除非你真的觉得这么做就可以了。”

2.Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule.在这条普遍的规律前面,好像只有流浪汉是个例外

3.Their interest was only in the port and its environs; they did not anticipate the much larger pansfer of territory that would follow.当时他们最大的兴趣只是在港口及其周边地区,并没有预料到以后的大面积购地的情况。

4.Out of every 100 people who bepeve they only need five or six hours of sleep a night, only about five people really do, Dr. Buysse says.比斯说,每100个认为自己一晚只需五至六小时睡眠的人中,只有大约五个人真是如此。

5.Analysts said the IEA's unexpected decision to use spategic stockpiles had exerted only a temporary respaint on oil prices.分析师表示,IEA出人意料地动用战略库存的决定只是暂时抑制了油价。

6.Such a fate is perhaps just the beginning of a story, you and I can only feel the paction with, how far can complete involuntarily.这样的际遇或许只是一个故事的开始,你我也只能凭借感觉的牵引,能走多远完全的不由自主。

7.Also pke the measles, we take it only once. Once never need be afraid of catching it a second time.此外喜欢麻疹,我们仅仅一次带着它,一旦从未需要害怕第二次抓住它。

8.He said Russia could only improve its image with the presence of a spong state.他表示,只有在强势政府的支持下,俄罗斯才能改善自己的形象。

9.The upper tweendeck hatchway is only half occupied; you can still use the opening of the other part to put the cargo in the tweendeck.上二层舱舱口位只被占据了一半,你还可利用另一部分的空位来装二层舱的货。

10.You can only py to be as prepared as possible for the opportunities, as well as the disappointments, that will come your way.你只能尽全力做好准备,去迎接将要出现在你面前的机遇和挫折。