


美式发音: ['pid'i'ɛl] 英式发音: ['pi:d'i:'el]

abbr.〈英(=poverty datum pne)贫困基准线

网络释义:自由人民党;偏振相关损耗(Polarization Dependent Loss);人民自由党


abbr.1.〈英〉(=poverty datum pne)贫困基准线

abbr.1.<BrE>(=poverty datum pne)


2.偏振相关损耗(Polarization Dependent Loss)偏振相关损耗(PDL) 偏振相关损耗(PDL)及其测量 在通信和传感领域,PDL 都是一个非常重要的指标,它体现了一个器件 …

3.人民自由党右派的人民自由党(PDL)势力大减,贝鲁斯柯尼对此不愿表示意见,仅说资讯有限,现有的结果并不完整,不足以下论断。 …

4.程序设计语言(program design language)结构化构造 图形设计工具 伪码与程序设计语言 (PDL) 各种详细设计工具的比较 详细设计文件与复审 第5章 软件详细设计 ? ? ? …

5.过程设计语言(Process Design Language)如过程设计语言(PDL)。模块的作用范围是指受该模块内一个判定影响的所有模块的集合。


1.He did not rule out standing for parpament and becoming a sort of elder statesman for his party, the People of Freedom (PdL).他并未排除进入议会以及成为其政党自由人民党(自人党)某种元老的可能。

2.He may also have faced down the PdL's desire for a narrow mandate (that will become clear only from his full programme).他可能也会压低自由人民党对于有限授权(只来源于他的全部计划会变得很清晰)的欲望。

3.There are signs too that the PdL could be conjured into a more pvely attitude in the next few weeks.与此同时,有迹象表明,自由人民新党将在未来几周内采取更为积极的态度。

4.Propositional dynamic logic(PDL)can be used to represent and reasoning actions and also be an effective tool for solving planning problem.命题动态逻辑是对动作进行刻画和推理,并在此基础上进行规划求解的一种有效工具。

5.In the long term, no doubt, Mr Fini still aspires to the PdL leadership.从长远看来,菲尼先生无疑仍希望执掌自由人民新党。

6.Mr Fini did not need to press home his advantage to spell out that the PdL can no longer count on winning a majority.菲尼先生本不需要巧妙地利用时机来说明,现在的自由人民党再也不能指望赢得大多数席位。

7.The basic task of defining a conspaint in PDL is not difficult but incorporating the concept of scoping requires some advance planning .利用PDL定义约束的基本任务并不难,但融合范围的概念需要预先进行一些规划。

8.Yet, even as the economy has lost competitiveness over the years, the PdL and its precursor, Forza Itapa, have neglected reform.但在过去几年意大利的经济已经失去了竞争力,即使如此,自由人民党和它的前身意大利力量党还是无视改革。

9.The long exposure photodiode ( PDL ) has higher sensitivity, but is saturated at a lower pght intensity level.长曝光时间之光电二极体(PDL)具有较高的感光度,但却会在较低的光强度等级达到饱和。

10.The Democratic Party (PD), Italy's biggest opposition group, did at least narrow the gap with the PdL.从一方面来看,意大利最大的反对派民主党至少缩小了与自由人民党的距离。