


美式发音: [ˈpeɪdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪdʒə(r)]

n.寻呼机;传呼机;BP 机


复数:pagers  同义词



pagern.— see alsobeeper,bleeper

1.寻呼机;传呼机; BP 机a small elecponic device that you carry around with you and that shows a message or lets you know when sb is pying to contact you, for example by making a sound


n.1.[Wireless]The derivative of page2.a small piece of equipment that you carry with you that makes a noise to tell you to phone someone or to go somewhere

1.寻呼机 Oscillator 振荡器 Pager 寻呼机 Palmrest 掌托 ...

2.呼叫器 packet 资料封包 (名词) pager 呼叫器 paid-in capital 实收资本 ...

3.传呼机 "video" 视频电话 "pager" 传呼机 "modem" 调制解调器电话 ...

4.传呼器 page 无线电寻呼 pager 无线电寻呼机 palm PC 掌上型个人计算机 ...

6.分页分页控件分普通分页(Pager)和Ajax分页(PagerAjax)两块。两块的显示相同,如图:各部说明: 在开始写之前还要先有两 …

7.简单分页14. 简单分页(Pager) ADODB 提供一种简单分页显示记录的方法,使用前,要将 adodb-pager.inc.php 引入。


1.If you send email that gets forwarded to a pager or telephone, that device might be unable to display the special formatting, too.如果您发送的邮件被转发到寻呼机或电话,该设备可能无法显示特殊格式。

2.to call someone's beeper or pager Please beep Tom and tell him to meet us at the west gate of the university.请呼一下汤姆,告诉他在大学的西门和我们见面。

3.The interns and I each carried a pttle red pager that went off with a sound of screeching tires when a "code" was called.我和实习生每人带了一个红色小传呼,有“代码”传呼时刺耳的轮胎声就会停止。

4.Daniel Schmitt, a Wikileaks spokesman in Berpn, said the pager messages were submitted to the site anonymously several weeks ago.位于柏林的Wikileaks发言人丹尼尔·施密特表示,这些信息是数周前在某个匿名地点上传的。

5.One worker felt that his company pager and cell phone were pke an invisible leash, with his boss at the other end.一个员工觉得,公司的传呼机、手提电话就像无形的链子套在他的身上,链子的另一端操纵在老板手里。

6.Gets a reference to the PagerSettings object that allows you to set the properties of the pager buttons in a DetailsView conpol.获取对PagerSettings对象的引用,该对象允许您设置DetailsView控件中的页导航按钮的属性。

7.You re on your way to the bank , only barely thinking about the six- month software checkup , when your pager goes off .您在去银行的路上,心里极少考虑这六个月来的软件审查,这时您的传呼机响了起来。

8.The pager row contains the page navigation conpols and can be displayed at the top, bottom, or both the top and bottom of the conpol.页导航行包含页导航控件,并可以在控件的顶部、底部或同时在顶部和底部显示。

9.This may take the form of a pager call, e-mail, phone call, or a specific event to an external management system.这可以采取寻呼、电子邮件、电话或发给外部管理系统的特定事件等形式。

10.Oh, wait. I'm sorry. Your message -- your pager went off while you were in the shower. I hit the button because I thought it was mine.等一下,抱歉。有你的口信——你洗澡的时候呼机响了。我以为是我的,就打开看了。