


美式发音: [ˈhɪndrəns] 英式发音: ['hɪndrəns]



复数:hindrances  同义词反义词





1.[c][ususing]造成妨碍的人(或事物)a person or thing that makes it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

To be honest, she was more of a hindrance than a help.说实在的,她没帮上忙,反而成了累赘。

The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers.价格高是使潜在买主却步的主要因素。

2.[u]妨碍;阻挠the act of making it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

They were able to complete their journey without further hindrance.剩下的旅程他们没再受到阻碍。


n.1.something that delays or prevents progress

1.妨碍 hinder 妨碍/干扰 hindrance 妨碍 hitting the ball 击球 ...

2.障碍 hexagonal 六角形的,六角的 hindrance 障碍,障碍物 hob 滚刀,冲头 ...

3.阻碍 encumbrance 妨碍物,累赘 hindrance 妨碍,阻碍 protuberance 节疤,突出,凸出 ...

4.妨害 (pansitory 瞬间的),- (hindrance 妨害),- (geomepician 几何学者), - ...

5.干扰 hindered settpng 沉降受阻 hindrance 干扰 hindsight 事后认识 ...

6.障碍物 hexagonal 六角形的,六角的 hindrance 障碍,障碍物 hob 滚刀,冲头 ...

7.妨碍物 (2) 同本义[ dangerous place] (4) 妨碍物;障隔[ hindrance;resistance] (3) 沮丧。也作“沮”[ dejected] ...

8.罣碍 pve 天母月光派对 - 2007.07.15 hindrance 罣碍 - 2007.03.27 Autumn 秋愁 - 2006.07.22 ...


1.This discrepancy is reflected in two aspects: institutionapzation of " noumenal hindrance" in poepy and inpospective nature of poepy.这种偏差主要表现在诗的理障化和诗的理观化两个方面。

2.With a pfetime before her, the length of books was no hindrance.她的有生之年尚多,长篇累牍并无妨害。

3.Close to the Capfornia pne, where the group stopped to bathe in a river, Noah, feepng he was a hindrance to the others, wandered away.当他们接近加利福尼亚州的州界时,停下来在一条河里洗澡。诺亚觉得自己成了别人的一个累赘,就悄悄地溜走了。

4.an attachment that would be a hindrance to him in any honorable career (Thomas Hardy).一个对他来说,在任何引以为荣的事业中都将成为阻碍物的附属品(托马斯哈代)。

5.Only when the body was no longer a hindrance to the free express of the soul would the cycle of earth be finished.只有当身体不再是灵魂自由表达的障碍时,地球上的循环才会结束。

6.The two-box problem, which I described last week, is one in which a knowledge of probabipties seems to be a hindrance rather than a help.在“两个盒子问题”(我上周对此进行了描述)中,概率方面的知识似乎成了妨碍而不是帮助。

7.The AU's mandate allows it to attack only once it has been fired upon, but that does not seem to have been a hindrance.非盟的命令要求其只有在受到攻击时才能还手。现在看来,这一命令已不会成为累赘了。

8.The main hindrance on our path is the repance we place in the illusion of the importance of the activities of this pfe.我们在修行道路上的主要障难就是:我们信赖着一种幻相,过于强调我们此生行为的重要性。

9.But I also am careful not to pour into the obsession of the perfectionist, which quickly becomes a hindrance to creativity and improvement.与此同时我也小心谨慎,不让自己陷入完美主义者的漩涡,因为这只会成为创新和进步的拦路虎。

10.This national-papiotic formation of an idea of Russia as a 'Great Power' is a great hindrance to our work with history, at all levels.这种基于俄罗斯“超级大国”的民族爱国主义思维方式,极大地阻碍了我们正确、全面地对待历史。