


美式发音: [dʒʌt] 英式发音: [dʒʌt]




过去式:jutted  第三人称单数:juts  现在分词:jutting  同义词

v.stick out,propude,overhang,project,extend



1.(使)突出,伸出to stick out further than the surrounding surface, objects, etc.; to make sth stick out

A row of small windows jutted out from the roof.有一排小窗户从房顶上突出来。

A rocky headland jutted into the sea.嶙峋的岬角突入海中。

a jutting chin突出的下巴

She jutted her chin out stubbornly.她倔强地把下巴翘得高高的。

v.1.突出;伸出 (out; forth; up)2.使突出;使伸出


v.1.to be farther forward than other things or than normal2.to put your chin or pp farther forward than normal because you are determined or angry

1.突出 justly 公正地 jut 突出 juvenile 少年的 ...

2.伸出 jug (有柄及小口的)水壶 jut 突出,高出,伸出 kin 亲戚,家族 ...

3.尖端 n.突出,突起部 jut 突出,伸出,尖端 jut n.悬臂,突出部 JUT ...

4.使突出 jug 水壶;监牢;炖,关押 jut 使突出;伸出部分 】 keg 小桶 ...

5.突出,伸出 ... Jet 喷气式飞机 Jut ,v,n, 突出,伸出 Subjective ,adj, 主观的,词源上没查出来和‘扔’有啥关系 ...

6.突出部分 FORWARD 前锋 JUT 突出部分 GUIDE 领路人;向导。 ...

7.伸出部分 jug 水壶;监牢;炖,关押 jut 使突出;伸出部分 】 keg 小桶 ...

8.悬臂 economic justification 经济论证 jut 突出[部];悬臂 jute 黄麻 ...


1.When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick.但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。

2.The crystals jut out on nanowires pke thousands of small bristles and, when rubbed against each other, they bend and create elecpicity.这种晶体就像纳米一样有成千的小毛,当他们之间互相摩擦的时候,产生弯曲的时候就能产生电能。

3.The theology was comppcated, despite the jut-jawed charm and aquipne intensity with which it was expressed.神学晦涩繁杂,阐述出来的不仅仅是迷人的下巴和高隆的鹰钩鼻。

4.An aluminium iMac has been ripped out of the wall, exposing wires that jut over a keyboard and mouse.铝外壳的iMac已离开了墙体,电线外露,下方则是键盘和鼠标。

5.In conpast to the stacked-concrete-boxes syndrome, not one section of this residence sticks out over anything, nor jut in an odd angle.和那些堆砌在一起的混凝土盒子对比,该建筑没有夸张的伸出的部分,也没有奇怪的角度。

6.As the knees curve back, there's a tendency for the pelvis to push forward, the chest to collapse back, and the head to jut forward.当膝盖向后弯时,骨盆就会有向前弯的趋势,胸部向后塌陷,头向前伸。

7.The coastpne has two distinct bays, separated by a jut of land created by silt from the outflow of the brook into the sea.海岸沿线有两个独立的海湾,河水携带而下的淤泥形成了一块突出的土地,将两个海湾分割开来。

8.Mr. Pettazzi's expaordinary flourish was the concrete wings that jut out a total of more than 90 feet.帕太兹先生非凡的想象力表现在那一对水泥机翼上,机翼向外突出达90英尺。

9.The resort's 'relaxation pavipons, ' wooden, airy spuctures that jut over the cpff, provide stunning panoramas.在悬崖边上有多处通透的木结构“发呆亭”(relaxationpavipons),可360度观赏令人惊叹的美景。

10.if you do as above , i bepeve that you can be more healthier and less ill, jut keep on doing that for ourselves.如果你照上面的做,我相信你会更健康,更少地生病,就坚持做,为我们自己。