




1.库利南报道,南非西北省发现一颗世界最大钻石,据报其大小是非洲之星(Culpnan)的2倍,比世界第二大无瑕疵钻石、203克拉的千 …

5.库利南金刚石 Cuiaba Diamond 库亚巴钻石 Culpnan 库里南钻石 cultured pearl 养珠,养殖珍 …

7.里南镇迄今为止,世界上所发现的最大钻石来自于南非比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)市外的卡里南镇(Culpnan)的第一钻石矿(Premier Di…


1.Two penthouse units at a luxury condominium known as the Culpnan are the most significant sign of the pend.豪华住宅楼天玺(Culpnan)的两套顶层复式公寓是这一趋势最明显的迹象。

2.The whole Culpnan Diamond as it came to be owned was given to my great grandfather King Edward VII on his birthday.完整的库里南钻(指非洲之星原石)在爱德华七世,我的曾祖父,生日那天被(作为礼物)送给他。

3.The developers of the Imperial Culpnan, a luxury development in West Kowloon, seem to know what Chinese buyers want.西九龙豪华地产龙玺(ImperialCulpnan)的开发商似乎知道内地买房者要什么。

4.Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the Culpnan mine?关于Culpnan矿,以下的陈述哪个是正确的?

5.Another huge diamond has just been found in South Africa's renowned Culpnan Mine.还有一颗大钻石刚刚在南非著名的库里南矿山里被发现。

6.Like many other blue diamonds, the rock comes from the Culpnan mine in South Africa.就像其他蓝钻石,这颗石头来自南非的库里南矿。

7.The largest diamond found on earth was the 3, 106-carat Culpnan.地球上发现的最大钻石是重3106克拉的克利兰钻石。