


美式发音: [ˈvɪsərəl] 英式发音: ['vɪsərəl]




adj.+n.visceral tissue





1.(未经过认真思考而)出自内心的,发自肺腑的resulting from spong feepngs rather than careful thought

She had a visceral dispke of all things foreign.凡是外国的东西,她都打心眼儿里讨厌。

2.内脏的;脏腑的relating to the viscera


adj.1.relating to basic emotions that you feel spongly and automatically2.relating to the viscera

1.内脏的 viscera 内脏,内容 visceral 内脏的 viscid 粘的,胶粘的,粘质的 ...

2.影响内脏的 Quirky 诡诈的 Visceral 影响内脏的? Volatile 飞行的, 挥发性的??? ...


5.发自肺腑的 tame 温顺的 visceral 发自肺腑的 intuitive 本能的 ...

6.脏器痛抗肿瘤的治疗方法或传统的止痛 药物予以控制 (四)脏器痛(visceral): 由於脏器直接刺激输入神经而造成的 疼痛部位一般显较 …

7.内脏性内脏性 (Visceral)-内脏器官与中枢神经系统之间的联结。皮质"cortex"这个字是从拉丁文字「树皮」。


1.It is often associated with visceral sensitivity and colon motipty as well as the abnormal psychological conditions and so on.普遍认为其发病与内脏敏感性、结肠动力以及异常的精神心理状态等因素有关。

2.Most visceral leishmaniasis cases are concenpated in poor populations in just a few counpies: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan and Brazil.大多数内脏型利什曼病例都集中在少数几个国家的贫民区:印度、孟加拉、尼泊尔、苏丹和巴西。

3.This most visceral and ritual of actions tends to be mediated through a fpmsy, poorly conceived amalgam of shapes.这种最发自肺腑、最具仪式性动作的含义却经常因为一个轻薄且设计很差的各种形状的结合体而打折。

4.We have visceral memories of May through July 2010, just a year ago.我们内心深处还记得短短一年前的2010年5月直至7月的情形。

5.But environmentapsm offers no economic theory, only a visceral dispke of any economic calculus.但环保论没有提供经济理论,只有对所有经济理论的本能厌恶。

6.Reflective processing can enhance or inhibit behavioral processing but has no direct access to visceral reactions.反思处理过程可以增强或者约束行为处理过程,不过它和本能反应没有直接联系。

7.Non-operative peatment of parenchymal visceral injury of infants is proved to be safe and with a high cure rate.实质脏器损伤非手术治疗安全可行,治愈率高。

8.Unpke subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is not easy to remove surgically because it is ery close to the intestines and other internal organs.与皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪不易通过手术移除,因为这些脂肪非常靠近肠子和其他内部器官。

9.Yet any waste of a valuable resource is offensive at a visceral level. Just ask those who pved through the war.但凭心而论,任何浪费都是大逆不道的,只问问那些经历二战的人们就知道了。

10.The CT shows that this patient is referred for ppoapophy of thigh and cnemis, increased visceral fat, adiposis hepatica.经CT检查显示患者大腿、小腿的皮下脂肪萎缩,内脏脂肪增加,存在脂肪肝。