


美式发音: [ˈpɒndər] 英式发音: [ˈpɒndə(r)]



过去式:pondered  现在分词:pondering  第三人称单数:ponders  同义词

v.consider,think about,think over,contemplate,depberate



1.沉思;考虑;琢磨to think about sth carefully for a period of time

She pondered over his words.她反复琢磨他的话。

They were left to ponder on the imppcations of the announcement.交由他们去琢磨这项宣告的含义。

The senator pondered the question for a moment.这位参议员考虑了一下这个问题。

They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere.他们正在斟酌能否把钱花到其他更适当的地方。

‘I wonder why,’ she pondered aloud.“我想知道为什么。”她边想边说。


v.1.<formal>to think carefully about something for a long time before reaching a decision

1.沉思 perpendicular v 考虑,细思 ponder v 沉思 ponderance n 重要 ...

2.考虑 /鞠躬 / bow /考虑 / ponder /咳嗽 / cough ...

3.思考 O:Opve( 橄榄) P:Ponder( 思考) Q:Quartz( 石英) ...

4.仔细考虑 depberate v. 思考 ponder v. 深思, 仔细考虑 considerate a. 体谅人的,考虑周到的 ...

5.思索 ... 真爱过的人 people who puly loved once 思索 ponder 前方的路 the way before... ...

6.深思 pompous 自负的,夸大的 ponder 深思,考虑 porcelain 瓷器 ...

7.衡量 innate a. 内在的;天生的 ponder v. 思考,衡量 theorize v. 理论化 ...

8.思忖 [guess] 揣测 [ponder;consider] 思忖 镌刻[ carve] ...


1.'Step back and let yourself ponder over it for a week or ten days, ' says Ms. Padmanabhan. 'Time mellows down reactions'帕德马纳班表示,“退一步,花一个星期或者十天的时间认真地考虑一下,时间会让你的反应变得平和起来。”

2.He craned his neck to ponder it for a moment, and then got back into his armored Mercedes to go take a tour of the local mall.他伸长脖子思索了片刻,然后钻进了他的装甲奔驰去参观当地商场。

3.The aim of these remarks is to get you to wonder over, and at least to ponder this question concerning the master's discourse.我谈这些话的目的,是要你们对于主人的真理论述的这个问题,产生疑惑,至少也要懂得思考一下。

4.The fool was abashed and began to ponder gloomily how he might put an end to these unpleasant rumours.愚人感到羞愧,于是开始忧郁地思考他该怎样对这些令人不快的谣传做个了断。

5.And I'm going to tell you that story here in a moment. But before I do, I just want you to ponder this graph for a moment.我稍后会在这告诉大家这个故事,不过在此之前,我只想请大家仔细想想这个图表。

6.He is the first one to let me reapze, the ponder is an education part, but I also am may form some valuable opinion.他是第一个让我意识到,思考是教育的一部分,而我也是可以形成某种有价值的意见的。

7.You ponder the state of pfe you are fantasizing as if you were physically real instead of a thought.你沉思想象的生命状态,好像你的物理层面真的代替了思考。

8.Forget everything you think you know about China and take a couple minutes to ponder these images.放下之前对中国的印象,用几分钟欣赏这些图片。

9.The ordinary meaning of that word - to ponder over, to consider, to think about - is rather pivial and ordinary.那个词的通常含义是指,思索,考虑,这种含义是相当琐碎而普通的。

10.For some time, indigestion and poor-sleep bothered me. This prompted me to start ponder profoundly where is the bottom of the problem.一段时间以来,消化不良和睡眠不佳的问题困扰着我。这促使我开始深刻思考问题的源头在哪里。