


美式发音: [ˈdeɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈdeɪtɪd]






adj.old-fashioned,old,out-of-date,behind the times,square



1.过时的;陈旧的old-fashioned; belonging to a time in the past


adj.1.no longer modern or fashionable

v.1.The past participle and past tense of date

1.日期 凭 Drawn under 日期 Dated 号码 NO ...

2.过时的 cosy a. 温暖舒适的 dated a. 过时的,老式的 detection n. 发现,察觉 ...

3.开证日期 dastard 懦夫, 胆小的人 dated 有日期的, 陈旧的 daughterhood 女儿身份,女儿时期 ...

5.有日期的 dastard 懦夫, 胆小的人 dated 有日期的, 陈旧的 daughterhood 女儿身份,女儿时期 ...

6.有年头的 dart v. 投掷 dated adj. 有年头的,陈旧的 dauntless adj. 勇敢的 ...


1.There's also quite a bit of documentation within the Documentation subdirectory (though some of it is quite dated).文档子目录中也有大量文档(尽管其中部分内容比较陈旧)。

2.I admit it's a pttle dated. I must be one of the last holdouts in switching to a newer model.我承认,它是有点过时。我属于拒绝新型号的那类顽固分子中的一员。

3.Someone asked me recently if I thought this book was dated, since it has been out for several years.最近,有人问我是否认为这本书已经过时了,因为这本书从出版到现在已经有好几年时间了。

4.It was all the more surprising given the stellar performance two weeks ago of longer-dated bond auctions, which can be tougher to sell.更令人意外的是,两周前较长期公债标售成绩也理想。

5."A few more results pke that" in sales of long-dated Treasuries "should not bode well for the dollar, " he said.“若再有几次长债标售的结果像这样,对美元可不是好兆头。”他说。

6.He and I dated for over a year, and when we broke up I thought my angst heart was going to spit itself right up out of my sore throat.我和他约会了一年后当我们分手时我感觉到那颗痛苦的心都将从疼痛的喉咙里掉出。

7.But others consider it dated, and this year it was edged out of a contest in India by two European planes, one of them the Typhoon.F-18在今年印度举行的一次竟标中落选,而由两家欧洲飞机竞逐,其中之一便是“台风”。

8.I dated this girl for about three months. Every other word out of her mouth was a swear word. It ended up being a real turn-off.我跟这个女孩子约会了三个月。从她口里说出的话几乎每隔一个字就是脏话,结果她真使人感到兴味索然。

9.In a later revision he used the word Jockey (that's dated around 1529) to mean "pttle man" of the dead Scottish king.在之后的修订版中,他使用这个词Jockey(那大约可以追溯到1529年左右)来形容已故苏格兰君王的“卑鄙”。

10."It's a piece of history, " she said, noting that it dated from a time when "Napoleon was fighting in Egypt. "她说:“这个啤酒杯见证了一段历史”,可追溯到“拿破仑攻打埃及”那个年代。