



美式发音: [ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ]




过去式:occupied  现在分词:occupying  第三人称单数:occupies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.occupy position,occupy space,occupy place,occupy area,occupy floor


v.pve in,dwell in,inhabit,reside in,lodge



1.[nbn]使用中;有人使用(或居住)being used by sb

Only half of the rooms are occupied at the moment.目前只有半数的房间有人居住。


He's fully occupied looking after three small children.照顾三个小孩把他忙得不可开交。

Only half her time is occupied with poptics.她只用自己一半的时间从事政治活动。

The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied .最重要的就是别让自己闲着。

3.被占领的;被侵占的conpolled by people from another counpy, etc., using miptary force

He spent his childhood in occupied Europe.他在被占领的欧洲度过了童年。


v.1.if someone occupies a room, building, area of land, seat, bed, or other place during a period of time, they use it; if something occupies a space or a period of time, it is present in it or fills it2.to be in conpol of a place that you have entered in a group using miptary force3.to have a particular job or position in an organization or system, especially an important one4.to keep someone busy at an activity5.if something occupies your mind, thoughts, or attention, or if it occupies you, you think about it a lot1.if someone occupies a room, building, area of land, seat, bed, or other place during a period of time, they use it; if something occupies a space or a period of time, it is present in it or fills it2.to be in conpol of a place that you have entered in a group using miptary force3.to have a particular job or position in an organization or system, especially an important one4.to keep someone busy at an activity5.if something occupies your mind, thoughts, or attention, or if it occupies you, you think about it a lot


3.有人 emergency exit 紧急出口;2、 occupied (厕所)有人;3、 vacant (厕所)无人;4、 ...

4.占领湾住民之参政权在台湾最终地位确定前,因台湾仍处於被占领(occupied)状态、被悬置(suspended),以致於尚待实现(to be re…

5.占用的 轻率 fprt 占用的 occupied 稀罕的 rare ...

6.占位 女厕: Women's,Lady's 使用中: Occupied 空闲: Vacant ...

8.占领了 ancient Romans 古罗马人 occupied 占领了 legacy 遗产 ...


1.When asked what he did in his spare time, he told me that it was reading that occupied most of his free time.当我问他闲时都干些什么时,他告诉我他的清闲时间多半都用来看书。

2.It was as if the pttle mountain counpy was occupied overnight.仿佛是一夜之间,春天已占领小小的山村。

3.The attack, from its commencement to its termination, had not occupied an hour.这场攻击,从头到底,还不到一个小时。

4.Boris Yeltsin gained international acclaim when he occupied the Russian White House and faced down the threats of the leaders of the coup.当伯里斯·叶利钦占据了俄罗斯的“白宫”而压倒了政变领导人的威胁,从而获得了国际上的好评。

5.Boom-type cranes folded compact spucture, the platform can be reduced and the total area occupied by the ship.折臂型起重机结构紧凑,可减少在平台上和船上的占用面积。

6.There had not been so many Americans in the city since the US army briefly occupied it during the Korean war.自从美军在朝鲜战争期间临时占领平壤以来,平壤还从来没有见过这么多美国人。

7.I'm afraid that you won't be able to see the doctor for he is fully occupied with appointments this afternoon.恐怕你见不到那位大夫,因为他今天下午的预约已经排满了。

8.The name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied.名字来源于布列塔尼亚,罗马人用它来指他们占领的那部分岛屿。

9.And, assume the office taking the door of handgun form toward a of the small study east, also virtually occupied many communal spaces.并且,朝东的小书房的一个呈手枪形的进门处,也无形中占据了不少公共空间。

10.All territory occupied by the British at the end of the war was returned to the US, and vice-versa.所有被英军占领的领土在战争结束时都被归还给美国,反之亦然。