


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dilən]





1.迪伦 Cedrick 谢德里克- 战争统帅 Dylan 狄伦– 海洋 Jay 杰– 蓝色的橿鸟 ...


5.狄兰 郭富城[ Aaron] 郭品超[ Dylan] 郭伟亮[ Eric Kwok] ...

7.戴兰 Dwight 杜怀特 Dylan 迪蓝 Earl 艾尔 ...


1.Then we got Barney and, a few months later, Dylan began to talk. It was only the odd word, but I could clearly understand what he said.后来我们养了巴尼,几个月之后,迪伦就开始说话。尽管只是一些不完整的词汇,但我能清楚明白他的意思。

2.Dylan's participation in the massacre was impossible for me to accept until I began to connect it to his own death.直到我将迪伦的死和校园枪击案联系起来之前,我无论如何不能接受他参与在其中的事实。

3.Dylan is famous for his exotic singing voice. The American writer Joyce Carol Oates said it was "as if sandpaper could sing" .迪伦以他独特的歌声出名,美国作家乔伊斯·卡罗·奥茨(JoyceCarolOates)形容说“就像砂纸唱歌的声音。”

4.Wearing a faded old shirt and jeans, Dylan gets angry when talking about people he thinks are taking advantage of him.当提起那些他觉得想占他便宜的人时,穿着退色的旧衬衣,旧仔裤的迪伦很生气

5.Dylan Thomas is one of the most prominent and most influential poets in Britain and the United States since the 1940's.狄兰?托马斯是40年代以来英美诗坛最重要、最有影响力的诗人之一。

6.In his ramshackle apartment, we belted out Bob Dylan songs as he twirled me across the sloping floorboards.在他破旧的公寓里,我们一边咆哮着鲍勃·迪伦的歌,一边抱在一起转圈圈。

7.Ledger most recently appeared in "I'm Not There, " in which he played one of the many incarnations of Bob Dylan.赖治最后出现在“我不在那里”,在这部影片中他扮演了鲍勃*迪伦的一个化身。

8.Dylan's material would provide much of the original grist for the folk rock mill, not only in the U. S. But in the UK as well.迪伦的物质将提供大量的谷物原为民间岩岭不仅在美国,但在英国等。

9.Dylan Wagner and his colleagues at Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, therefore decided to investigate the question.因此位于新罕布什尔州德的达特默斯大学DylanWagner和他的同事决定调查这个问题。

10.In 1965, Bob Dylan released his song "Like a Rolpng Stone" . It is one of his best known and most influential works.1965年,鲍勃•迪伦发布了他的新歌“像一块滚石”,这是他最著名和最具影响力的作品之一。