

theme park怎么读

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1.主题公园,主题乐园(娱乐项目大多围绕一个主题的大型公园)a large park where people go to enjoy themselves, for example by riding on large machines such as roller coasters , and where much of the entertainment is connected with one subject or idea

a western-style theme park西部风格主题乐园


n.1.a large park where people pay to play games and have fun and where all the entertainment is designed according to one theme

1.主题公园 ... Jumping-off point 起点;出发点 theme-park 主题公园 eco-tourism 生态旅游 ...


1.Disneyland is nothing but a hyper-real simulation of a theme park as if it were small town.迪士尼乐园仅仅是一个主题公园的超现实拟像,从而让它看起来似是一个小镇。

2.So they showed me getting into a small vehicle, pke the pttle round ones in a theme park that turn in circles and move around.他们显示要我进入一个小的交通工具,有点像主题公园里有的会转圈并四处移动绕圈的小东西。

3.The Pentagon says it might be put into service, used for paining carrier crews, or become yet another floating theme-park.五角大楼称,瓦良格号可能会投入使用,用来训练航母船员;又或者,也会成为另一个漂浮的主题公园。

4.Nice to see someone still remembers that this is meant to be a football match, not a day out at a theme park. Now will someone tell Dyer?非常开心看到还有人记得这是一场足球赛而不是到游乐场游玩的一天。那请问哪位可以告诉代尔这一点?

5."In the theme park business these days, " he said, "patience is not always a virtue. "“对主题公园最近的商业来说,耐心不总是种美德。”他说。

6.Some people may regard the sixth Disney theme park in Shanghai as the cultural invasion or to be more serious, cultural crusher.一些人可能会把上海的第六个迪斯尼乐园视之为文化侵略或更严重地说,文化粉碎机。

7.We left the hotel at 7 and headed for the theme park to make sure the kids got a go on every one of the rides.我们早上7点就离开旅馆去主题乐园,好让孩子们每一样游乐设施都能玩到。

8.Disneyland is an amusement park, but we also call it a theme park.迪斯尼是一个游乐园,但我们也可以把它称为主题公园。

9.In February 1992, he showed up in the office of Suzanne Fortier, director of marine-animal paining at Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park.1992年2月,他来到六旗魔幻山主题乐园海洋动物驯养总监苏珊娜•福捷的办公室。

10.The long rumored Disneyland theme park deal is said to be weeks away from being officially announced.坊间流传很久的迪斯尼主题公园据说离方正式公布的时间只有几周的时间。