




1.在午夜 at night 在夜间 at midnight 在午夜 at six o'clock 在6点钟 ...

2.在半夜 26. in fact 实际上 27. at midnight 在半夜 29. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架 ...

3.午夜时 at six o’clock 六点时 at midnight 午夜时 at noon 中午时 ...

4.午夜十二时 ... The slow chimes 缓慢编钟 At midnight, 午夜十二时, But nothing is forever 但没有什么是永远 ...

5.半夜里 ... (喜欢) is fond of 4. (半夜里) At midnight (建造) put up ...

6.在子夜 at night 在晚上 at midnight 在子夜 Li Ming’s sister 李明的姐姐 ...


1.Every night I drink at least a pot of white water, but do not get out of bed at midnight pee.我每天晚上至少喝一壶白水,但从不半夜下床撒尿。

2.It was one of the first tangible signs of the government's decision to raise fuel prices, which went into effect Tuesday at midnight.这是成品油价上涨的首批迹象之一;中国政府决定自周三零时起上调油价。

3.We returned to the office at midnight and found our way upstairs to bed by torchpght.我们在午夜时分回到办公室,打着手电筒上楼来到卧室。

4.if I'm about to run out of gas at midnight on my way home? . . .(如果我车子的油在半夜回家的路上快用完了该怎么办呢?)…

5.At midnight there were four guards at the front gate of prison 888, and there was one guard at the back gate.午夜时分,888号监狱正门前有四个卫兵,还有一个卫兵守在后门。

6.When she looked out of the window at midnight, Mrs. Wilson saw a man pying to open Mr. Smith's window. Mrs.威尔逊夫人夜里往窗外看时,看见有小我狡计打开史姑娘师长教师家的窗户。

7.At midnight, we began to attack the enemy and thrust home all their forts.午夜,我们开始向敌人进攻,打中了他们所有的碉堡。

8.At midnight I go up to the roof of our apartment building on near the center of town, and cpmb up the telephone mast.那天午夜时分,我登上位于市中心附近的公寓屋顶,爬上了电话塔。

9.When the ban came into force at midnight, correspondents said there was a moment's silence, before the square erupted in cheers.当午夜禁令开始执行的时候,记者说那一刻非常宁静,之后广场爆发出欢呼声。

10.He said he saw you got out of the front door at midnight.他说看见的是你半夜溜出了大门