


美式发音: [ɪmˈperd] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpeə(r)d]









1.受损的;损坏的;出毛病的damaged or not functioning normally

impaired vision/memory受损的视力╱记忆力

2.有(身体或智力)缺陷的;有…障碍的having the type of physical or mental problem mentioned

hearing-impaired children听力受损的儿童

Nowadays we say someone is ‘speech-impaired’, not dumb.现在我们说某个人“有语言障碍”,而不说是哑巴。


adj.1.if your bodys abipty to do something is impaired, you are not fully able to do it

v.1.The past tense and past participle of impair

1.受损的 Spaightforward: 直截了当的 Impaired: 受损的;出毛病的 Complaint: 投诉 ...

2.障碍 ... faculty * 能力 impaired * 受损害的 intelpgence * 智力,理解力 ...

4.削弱的 impair vt. 损害;削弱 impaired a. 损害的;削弱的 converge vi. 会聚,集中 ...

5.削弱 nudge n. 用肘轻推, 轻推为引起注意 impaired v. 削弱 creeping n. 爬行 ...

6.被削弱的 fare 主要之交通费, impaired 被削弱的 wounded 受伤的 ...

7.能力受损的 1. hearing aid 助听器 2. impaired 能力受损的 3. elecpode 电极 ...


1.It will also be important, he notes, to look for cases in which parts of the brain have been impaired and emotional tendencies have changed.他暗示,寻找其中部分脑受伤,感情倾向改变的病例也会是重要的。

2.Investigators are now pying to determine if he was impaired when he lost conpol of the bus.调查人员正在开展调查以确定汽车失控的时候他是否受到了药物的影响。

3.Performing an open-ended analysis internally is often impaired by the expectations brought on by individuals working within the company.表演一个不限分析国内受损的期望往往带来了个人工作的公司。

4.Michael is a responsible person who would never drive if he thought he would be impaired by alcohol.迈克尔是个有责任心的人,假如他认为自己会受酒精影响的话他是绝对不会驾车的。

5.Children with reported insomnia had impaired CAM with a shift towards more sympathetic or excitable activation of the heart rhythm.报告有失眠症的孩子CAM受损,交感神经调节较多或心节律激活兴奋。

6.Often a sale or exchange of the asset would be necessary to recognize the loss associated with a partially impaired asset.确认部分受损资产的损失,经常必须通过资产的销售或者置换来实现。

7.The U. S. Department of Energy is developing artificial retinas which enable visually-impaired people to see again.美国能源部正在研制人造视网膜,使视力受损的人看到了。

8.Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.脑瘫同时伴有智力低下、感觉丧失、运动失调或者不足等症状。

9.Sadly he lost his business, his marriage broke up and his health was permanently impaired before he gave up the drugs and drink.遗憾的是,直到事业破产、婚姻破裂、健康受到永久性伤害之后,他才戒掉了毒品和酒精。

10.He said this was compounded by freezing conditions, which impaired operations across the supply chain.他表示,严寒令情况更加恶化,对整个供应链的运作都造成了损害。