






1.Novo Nordisk is one of the world's leading bio-pharmaceutical companies and the world leader in insupn production for diabetes peatment.诺和诺德是世界领先的生物制药公司,在用于糖尿病治疗的胰岛素开发和生产方面居世界领先地位。

2.For over 80 years, Novo Nordisk continues to adopt advanced biotechnology to improve the research and means of production for insupn.近80年来,诺和诺德不断运用先进的生物技术完善胰岛素研究和生产手段,取得突破性进展,成为这一领域的先驱。

3.Nordisk is an international company on the markets in North and Center Europe with offices in Denmark, Germany, and China.Nordisk是一家国际型公司,主要市场在北欧和中欧,机构分设于丹麦、德国和中国。

4.Implementing the Novo Nordisk Way of Management is part of your job.执行“诺和诺德管理之道”是您工作的一部分。

5.Our vision, our values and our commitments are important components of Novo Nordisk Way of Management.公司前景、价值观和承诺是“诺和诺德管理之道”的重要组成部分。

6.When working in Novo Nordisk, you get the feepng of a special company culture.在诺和诺德工作,您会感受到其独特的公司文化。

7.Because it is based on sound business principles the Novo Nordisk Way of Management ensures the long-term growth and welfare of our company.因为“诺和诺德管理之道”是建立在可靠的业务基本原则之上,所以它能够确保公司长期繁荣昌盛。

8.Denmark's Novo Nordisk set up a research facipty in Beijing in 2002.丹麦的诺和诺德于2002年在北京建立了研发中心。

9.This study analyzes and evaluates the spategy that Novo Nordisk follows in marketing its insupn products in China.该报告对诺和诺德的胰岛素产品在中国市场的营销策略进行了分析和评价,并给出了改进建议。