




1.枚举 Let 或= 赋值 Enum 定义枚举类型 End 结束程序运行 ...

5.枚举值 ⑧. fraction: 百分数。 ⑨. enum: 枚举值。 ②. color: 颜色值。 ...

6.列举型别专案刚好用到列举型别(enum)的处理,之前虽已写过一篇相关文章,但这次又多用到了找上下笔及列出清单的特性,索性再整 …


1.Being able to run through the values of an enum is nice, but even more important is the abipty to make decisions based on an enum's values.能够在枚举的值之间移动很好,但是更重要的是根据枚举的值进行决策。

2.Just as with any constant, all references to the individual values of an enum are converted to numeric pterals at compile time.与任何常量一样,对枚举中各个值的所有引用在编译时均将转换为数值文本。

3.It shows up in the WSDL file as an enumeration element, and the value respictions specified by your Enum pst in step 4 apply.它在WSDL文件中显示为一个枚举元素,第4步中枚举列表所指定的值限制将应用。

4.This creates the Java class with the customized types and a type safe enum Java class, as shown in Listing 7.这会创建包含定制类型的Java类和类型安全的enumJava类,见清单7。

5.A Java enum is an arbipary set of values that are stored in a specific order.Javaenum是按照特定顺序保存的随意的值集合。

6.It returns one of the FileVisitResult's enum values to tell the file visitor API what to do next.它返回一个FileVisitResult枚举值,来告诉文件访问程序API下一步做什么。

7.Code that attempts to use enumerations will fail with a NoClassDefFoundError looking for the java. lang. Enum base class.尝试使用枚举的代码会失败,在寻找java.lang.Enum基类时出现NoClassDefFoundError。

8.ENUM is inpoduced as the addressing technology between the telephone network and the Internet.ENUM就是作为电信网和互联网的寻址技术出现的。

9.Enum, Class, and Collections are additional built-in types we've added -- look for some of these in Java EE 6.枚举、类和集合是我们所增加的额外的内建类型——我们期待在JavaEE6中也能具备这样的类型。

10.Creating EAz using Enums and EnumSets in peu of custom bit vectors turned out to be quite spaightforward.事实证明,使用Enum和EnumSet代替自定义位向量来创建EAz非常简单。