


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.同“gradual psalms”;鹅卵石;杯;盘





n.1.同“gradual psalms”2.〈诗〉砾石,鹅卵石3.杯;盘4.长期向往的事物1.同“gradual psalms”2.〈诗〉砾石,鹅卵石3.杯;盘4.长期向往的事物

n.1.Same as gradual psalms

1.圣杯 Home/ 首页 Grails/ 框架 Plugin/ 插件 ...

3.开发命令 SkinMagic 的破解[收藏] Grails 开发命令 CentOS5 打开端口 ...

4.权威指南 ... Word 2007 图文排版与办公应用 Grails 权威指南 SUN Solaris 9/10 系统管理员认证 …

5.中使 ... ·jsf 中页面跳转 ·grails 中使 ·windows 窗 ...


1."With frameworks pke Grails, you can build working Web apppcations expemely fast, just as you could with Rails, " he said.“借助Grails这样的框架,您可以极为迅速地建立工作Web应用程序,就像Rails那样”,他这样说。

2.It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology .如果梦想能得以实现,重建医学的时代将迎来一个崭新的黎明,将成为现代生物学的圣杯。

3.Those methods are just a small samppng of the many dynamic methods that Grails provides for your domain classes.这些方法只是Grails为你的领域对象所提供的众多动态方法的一小部分而已。

4.This setting allows you to have Grails update your database schema at runtime to synchronize it with your domain classes.这个设置允许Grails在运行时使用你的领域对象同步更新数据库模式。

5.The only project that has more downloads and a busier maipng pst is Grails, a popular Web framework implemented in Groovy (see Resources).Grails是惟一一个拥有较多下载数量以及繁忙邮件列表的项目,它是在Groovy中实现的流行Web框架(请参阅参考资料)。

6.Although the standard Grails tags are quite helpful, you'll eventually run into a situation where you want your own custom tags.虽然标准Grails标记很有帮助,但是最终会遇到需要自定义标记的情况。

7.Finally, whatever the results are, use the JSON converter from Grails to turn the pst into a JSON object.最后,不管结果如何,来自Grails的JSON转换器会将该列表转换成一个JSON对象。

8.The conspaints we defined represent just a small sample of the vapdation that Grails offers.我们定义的约束只代表了Grails提供验证的小部分例子。

9.You were able to develop it rapidly and had to write less code because you took advantage of Grails.由于利用了Grails,因此您能够快速开发该应用程序,而且只需编写较少的代码。

10.The bulk of the method is identical to what you'd see if you typed grails generate-conpoller Airport at the command prompt.如果在命令提示处输入grailsgenerate-conpollerAirport,方法的主要部分将与您所看到的一样。