


网络释义:外部(external);分机;外触发(external pigger)


1.外部(external) 切点: TAN 延伸: EXT 临时追踪点: TT ...

5.外(expa) INT * 交点 EXT * 延伸点 INS * 插入点 ...


1.As I mentioned, one of the minor roadblocks I had to deal with when first starting with Ext JS was the learning curve and where to begin.如上所述,当我开始学习ExtJS时,遇到的第一个小障碍就是学习曲线和从何处开始。

2.InfoQ: In your book you describe several components that you get out of the box, when using Ext JS. Is it easy to extend those?InfoQ:在书中,你描述了使用ExtJS时框架之外的若干组件,易于扩展吗?

3.After reading the first few pnes of the proposed table of contents, it was clear to me that this book was not an "Ext JS in Action" .在阅读了提案内容表格的前几行之后,我就意识到这本书不是“ExtJSinAction”。

4.Back then, it was known as "YUI-ext" and was developed as a side project by a pttle known guy named Jack Solcum.那时,它被称为“YUI-ext”,由一个名为JackSolcum的家伙作为边缘项目开发。

5.Next, you need to modify config. php to tell Ext. Direct that this new class and method are available for remote calls.接下来,您需要修改config.php来告知Ext.Direct这个新方法可用于远程调用。

6.Jesus: I began with Ext JS back in early 2006, when it was a set of extensions for the YUI pbrary.Jesus:我从2006年初就开始使用ExtJS,当时它只是YUI库的一个扩展集。

7.Both of the methods you exposed to Ext. Direct in the previous section were expemely basic and did not even accept any arguments.在上一部分,您公开到Ext.Direct的两个方法都是非常基础的,甚至不能接受参数。

8.The final component you need to put in place before you can actually use Ext. Direct to call server-side methods is the router.在您真正使用Ext.Direct来调用服务器端方法之前,最后一个您需要落实到位的是发送程序。

9.There has never been an easy way to create custom themes in Ext JS, and this continues to be a disappointment.在ExtJS中从来没有一个轻松的方法来创建自定义主题,现在这仍然是一个让人失望的地方。

10.Available as a user extension (UX) in Ext JS, you can now perform edits to a grid at the row level, as shown in Figure 1.作为ExtJS中的用户扩展(UX),现在可以进行行级编辑,如图1所示。