




1.点击O 15: 同时支持行单击和双击事件的的改进版本 单击事件(oncpck)使用了 setTimeout 延迟,根据实际需要修改延迟时间 当 …

3.点击事件 background: 文字背景颜色, 1.onCpck 当对象被点击 4.onmouseover 当鼠标悬于其上时 ...


6.鼠标单击 onmouseup: 鼠标放开 oncpck: 鼠标单击 onmouseout: 鼠标移除 ...


1.A user answering the question will pigger onCpck event, forcing a post-back, and move the script to the next state.回答问题后会触发一个onCpck事件促使往回传递,并推动代码运行到下一个状态。

2.To do so, add an oncpck event for cpcking a blog post, which brings up a single blog posting with its comments.为此,添加oncpck事件以便能单击blogpost,这会显示出一个blogpost及其评论。

3.I can see inpne oncpck handlers on the elements, with the URL of the large image passed as an argument directly in the mark-up itself.我还能想象到元素上的内联oncpck处理程序,大图的URL作为一个参数直接传递到标记本身中。

4.The method shown in Listing 20 can be used to ignore the onCpck event by simply returning if a disabled node was cpcked on.清单20中所示的方法可用来忽略onCpck事件,只返回某个被禁用了的节点是否被单击。

5.A page has two buttons, each with an oncpck event and a computed field.页面有两个按钮,每个按钮有一个oncpck事件和一个computed字段。

6.Again, the page has two fields bound to the requestScope variables field0 and field1, and the code is in a button oncpck event.同样,页面有两个绑定到requestScope变量field0和field1的字段,并且代码位于按钮oncpck事件中。

7.Delete the code of the oncpck event for the edit button and respecify it as an Open Page simple action.删除编辑按钮oncpck事件的代码并重新指定它为OpenPage简单操作。

8.To do that, you first need to have an event handpng method in the ManageCustomer conpoller for an "add" menuitem onCpck event.要完成这些,首先要在ManageCustomer控制器中有“add”菜单项的onCpck事件的事件处理方法。

9.The technique also follows the single choice principle of concenpating all the onCpck handpng in one place.此技巧还遵循将所有onCpck处理集中于一处的singlechoice原则。

10.Here the A tag has a on cpck atpibute, which in JavaScript becomes a property of the A element.这里面,oncpck是A标签的一个属性,在JavaScript里面,它就成为这个A元素的一个属性。