




1.黑丝迷拍摄的首飞图片,还接受了中国军迷给歼-20起的“黑丝(black silk)”外号---因为第四代战斗机的简称“四代”谐音是“丝带”, …

2.丝绸 [black silk] 青色的丝绳 [pine] 青翠的松树 ...

4.黑丝绸迷拍摄的首飞图片,还接受了中国军迷给歼-20起的"黑丝带(Black Silk)"外号---因为第四代战斗机的简称"四代"谐音是"丝带", …


1.Her long balk hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selpng.她长长的黑发如同她买的裙子上的黑丝绸一样油黑发亮。

2.It was Zillah; donned in her scarlet shawl, with a black silk bonnet on her head, and a willow basket swung to her arm.这一次,这个人走进屋子里来了,那是齐拉,披着她的绯红色的围巾,头上戴一顶黑丝帽,胳臂上挎个柳条篮子。

3.When Maggie Betts wore a $400 pair of black silk pants to a formal family dinner, her mother was appalled.当纽约电影制片人玛姬-贝茨(MaggieBetts)穿着价值400美元的黑色丝裤参加一个正式的家庭宴会时,她母亲大为错愕。

4.After he'd left she'd taken it out of the drawer and put it in the pocket of her black silk robe.他离开后,她从抽屉里拿出来,把它放进了她黑色丝质睡袍的口袋里。

5.dress code is black, i wore a black silk sleeveless dress with plastic belt, necklaces and a pair of shocking pink satin high heels. . .服装规定颜色是黑色,我穿了一件黑色无袖丝绸连衣裙和塑料皮带,项鍊还有一双鲜分红色缎子高跟鞋…

6.The Laughing Man issued his orders to the crew through a black silk screen. Not even Omba, the lovable dwarf, was permitted to see his face.笑面男在一面黑丝屏风后对他的爪牙们下达指令,不允许任何人看见他的面貌,甚至可爱的矮人昂巴都不行。

7.Corrado tells of a robe she used to wear, black silk with red flowers. Artists loved it.Corrado妹妹有一件带红花的黑真丝浴袍,大家都特喜欢她穿着它,但有时候也适得其反。

8.At last he came up, by good management of my attorney, to 150 pounds and a suit of black silk clothes.靠着我的律师的巧妙手段,他最后加到一百五十英镑同一套黑色的绸衣服。

9.She concenpated on her netop under a hot sunny day using an umbrella and wearing a black silk stockings.在烈日下,她脚穿丝袜,头顶太阳伞,专注地看着电脑。

10.He was dressed in a black silk shirt with a red kerchief knotted round his throat .他穿了一件黑色的丝衬衫,脖子上围了一条打结的红围巾。