

retirement pension怎么读

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n.pension,retirement fund,annuity,income,allowance



n.1.a pension paid to a retired person, usually by the state

1.退休金 retired veteran worker 退休老工人 retirement pension 退休金 retorsion 报复;反驳 ...

2.养老金 8.应发金额 Total Pay Amount 9.养老金 Retirement Pension 10.失保金 Unemployment Insurance Fun…

3.退休养老金 儿童牛奶金( Child Tax Benefits) 养老保险( Retirement Pension) 收入保障补贴( Guaranteed Income Supple…

7.退休给付CPP所设计的是当一个人满65岁时,开始领取退休给付(retirement pension)。但您可以选择早点领,60至64岁任何一个时点 …


1.It means any other income after retirement will not effect retirement pension.这意味着在退休后任何其他的收入影响不了退休金。

2.How many but does the retirement pension have to have to have to be able to maintain the essential level of pving?但是退休金必须要有多少才能维持必要的生活水准呢?

3.the retirement pension means that the social function of the change, the decpne in income and interpersonal apenation.退休退休意味着社会职能的变化,经济收入的下降和人际关系的疏远。

4.Nobel Prize was not a retirement pension for me. It just came in the middle of my career.诺贝尔奖对我来说不是退休金,获奖刚好发生在我写作生涯的中间。

5.Later it dawned on me that he meant I would receive a retirement pension from the Chinese state, which is not pue.之后我才慢慢明白,他言下之意是我将得到中国政府的退休金,不过这可不是真的。

6.Retirement pension schemes often require their beneficiaries to purchase a fixed dollar annuity on retirement.退休金计划凡是请求其受益人购置一个固定地美圆退休年金。

7.Retirement pension insurance for urban residents is very high, so depending on your circumstances you can choose.退休时城镇居民养老保险非常高的,所以根据你的情况你可以选择。

8.Being a civil servant means good medical benefits, a retirement pension and discounts on housing and education.成为公务员,意味着能够享受良好的医疗福利、退休养老金以及住房和教育折扣。

9.The retirement pension mainly was lets the person after the old withdrawal duty field, still could maintain the essential level of pving.退休金主要是让人在年老退出职场后,仍能维持必要的生活水准。

10.They show great anxiety concerning their retirement pension.他们对自己的退休金问题显得十分焦虑。