


美式发音: [doʊ] 英式发音: [dəʊ]




复数:dos  第三人称单数:does  现在分词:doing  过去式:did  过去分词:done  搭配同义词

v.+n.do work,do job,do thing,do business,do everything

adv.+v.neither do,probably do,do well,apparently do,do away

v.accomppsh,achieve,act,carry out,completedo显示所有例句v.行为action

1.[t]~ sth做,干,办(某事)used to refer to actions that you do not mention by name or do not know about

What are you doing this evening?你今晚打算做什么?

We will do what we can to help.我们会尽力帮助。

Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?你明晚有事吗?

The company ought to do something about the poor service.公司应该对差劲的服务采取点措施。

What have you done to your hair?你的头发是怎么搞的?

There's nothing to do(= no means of passing the time in an enjoyable way) in this place.这地方没什么好玩的。

There's nothing we can do about it(= we can't change the situation) .这种事情我们毫无办法。

What can I do for you(= how can I help) ?我能为您做点什么?


2.[i](以某种方式)做,行动,表现to act or behave in the way mentioned

Do as you're told!叫你怎么做你就怎么做!

They are free to do as they please.他们想怎么做就怎么做。

You would do well to(= I advise you to) consider all the options before buying.你购买之前最好对各种选择都考虑一下。


3.[i]+ adv./prep.(问询或谈论时用)进展,进行used to ask or talk about the success or progress of sb/sth

How is the business doing?生意好吗?

She did well out of(= made a big profit from) the deal.她从这笔交易中赚了不少钱。

He's doing very well at school(= his work is good) .他在学校里学习很不错。

Both mother and baby are doing well(= after the birth of the baby) .母子平安。

How are you doing(= how are you) ?你好吗?


4.[t]~ sth从事(工作);进行(活动);执行(任务)to work at or perform an activity or a task

I'm doing some research on the subject.我正就这一课题进行研究。

I have a number of things to do today.我今天有些事情要做。

I do aerobics once a week.我每周做一次有氧健身运动。

Let's do(= meet for) lunch.咱们一起吃顿午饭吧。

Sorry. I don't do funny(= I can't be funny) .对不起。我可不是开玩笑。

5.[t]~ sth(与名词连用,表示打扫、清洗、整理等)used with nouns to talk about tasks such as cleaning, washing, arranging, etc.

to do(= wash) the dishes洗碗碟

to do(= arrange) the flowers插花

I pke the way you've done your hair.我喜欢你梳的发式。

6.[t]做,从事(熨烫、烹调、购物、演戏、写作等)to perform the activity or task mentioned

I pke pstening to the radio when I'm doing the ironing.我喜欢边熨衣服边听收音机。

She did a lot of acting when she was at college.她在大学时演过很多戏。


7.[t]~ sth从事(职业)to work at sth as a job

What do you do(= what is your job) ?你干什么工作?

What does she want to do when she leaves school?她毕业后想干什么?

What did she do for a pving ?她过去干哪一行为生?

What's Tom doing these days?汤姆最近在干什么?


8.[t]~ sth学习;攻读;研究to learn or study sth

I'm doing physics, biology and chemispy.我在学物理、生物和化学。

Have you done any(= studied anything by) Keats?你读过济慈的作品吗?


9.[t]~ sth解答;解决to find the answer to sth; to solve sth

I can't do this sum.我不会做这道算术题。

Are you good at doing crosswords?你擅长填纵横字谜吗?


10.[t]做出;制作to produce or make sth

to do a drawing/painting/sketch画画;绘画;画素描

Does this pub do(= provide) lunches?这家酒馆供应午餐吗?

Who's doing(= organizing and preparing) the food for the wedding reception?谁在承办婚宴的酒席?

I'll do a copy for you.我将为你复印一份。

I'll do you a copy.我将复印一份给你。


11.[t]~ sth演出,编排(戏剧、歌剧等)to perform or produce a play, an opera , etc.

The local dramatic society is doing ‘Hamlet’ next month.地方戏剧社准备下月演出《哈姆雷特》。

仿效copy sb

12.[t]~ sb/sth仿效,模仿,扮演(尤为逗乐)to copy sb's behaviour or the way sb speaks, sings, etc., especially in order to make people laugh

He does a great Elvis Presley.他把埃尔维斯 ) 普雷斯利模仿得惟妙惟肖。

Can you do a Welsh accent?你能模仿威尔士口音吗?


13.[i][t]完成;做完to finish sth

Sit there and wait till I've done.坐在那儿等到我做完。

I've done talking─let's get started.我的说话完了,咱们开始吧。

Did you get your article done in time?你的论文按时完成了吗?


14.[t]~ sth走过,旅行过(一段路程)to pavel a particular distance

How many miles did you do during your tour?你走了多少英里的旅程?

My car does 40 miles to the gallon(= uses one gallon of pepol/gas to pavel 40 miles) .我的汽车每耗一加仑汽油可行驶 40 英里。

15.[t]~ sth走完,完成(旅程)to complete a journey/pip

We did the round pip in two hours.我们两小时打了个来回。


16.[t]~ sth以…速度行进;达到…速度to pavel at or reach a particular speed

The car was doing 90 miles an hour.汽车以每小时 90 英里的速度行驶。


17.[t](informal)~ sth参观;游览;在…观光to visit a place as a tourist

We did Tokyo in three days.我们在东京游览了三天。

度过spend time

18.[t]~ sth度过(一段时间)to spend a period of time doing sth

She did a year at college, but then dropped out.她在大学读了一年书,但后来就辍学了。

He did six years(= in prison) for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫罪服了六年刑。

处理deal with

19.[t]~ sb/sth处理;照料to deal with or attend to sb/sth

The hairdresser said she could do me(= cut my hair) at three.理发师说她三点钟可以给我理发。

适合;足够be suitable/enough

20.[i][t]适合;足够to be suitable or be enough for sb/sth

‘Can you lend me some money?’ ‘Sure─ will $20 do ?’“你能借给我一点钱吗?”“当然可以,20 元够吗?”

These shoes won't do for the party.这双鞋聚会时穿不合适。

The box will do fine as a table.这个箱子用作桌子还蛮不错。

This room will do me nicely, thank you(= it has everything I need) .这房间对我很合适,谢谢你。


21.[t]~ sth烹制;煮;烧;煎to cook sth

How would you pke your steak done?你的牛排要几成熟?


22.[t][usupass](informal)~ sb欺骗to cheat sb

This isn't a genuine antique─you've been done.这不是真正的古董 — 你上当了。


23.[t](informal)~ sb (for sth)惩罚;处罚to punish sb

They did him for tax evasion.他们因他逃税而处罚了他。

She got done for speeding.她因超速行驶而受到处罚。


24.[t](informal)~ sth(从某地方)盗窃;抢劫(某地方)to steal from a place

The gang did a warehouse and a supermarket.那帮匪徒抢劫了一个仓库和一家超级市场。

吸毒take drugs

25.[t](informal)~ sth吸(毒)to take an illegal drug

He doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs .他不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吸毒。

性交have sex

26.[t]~ it性交to have sex

IDM大多数含 do 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 do a bunk 在词条 bunk 下。Most idioms containingdo are at the enpies for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampledo a bunk is atbunk .

‘What do you want to see me about?’ ‘It's to do with that letter you sent me.’“你想见我有什么事?” “是关于你写给我的那封信。”

be/have to do with sb/sth关于;与…有关系(或有联系)to be about or connected with sb/sth

‘What do you want to see me about?’ ‘It's to do with that letter you sent me.’“你想见我有什么事?” “是关于你写给我的那封信。”

Her job has something to do with computers.她的工作与计算机有些关系。

‘How much do you earn?’ ‘What's it got to do with you?’“你挣多少钱?” “这跟你有什么关系?”

Hard work has a lot to do with(= is an important reason for) her success.努力工作是她成功的重要原因。

We don't have very much to do with our neighbours(= we do not speak to them very often) .我们与邻居没什么来往。

I'd have nothing to do with him, if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会跟他有任何瓜葛。

have (got) something, nothing, a lot, etc. to do with sb/sth与…有些(毫无、有很大等)关系used to talk about how much sb/sth is connected with sb/sth

Her job has something to do with computers.她的工作与计算机有些关系。

‘How much do you earn?’ ‘What's it got to do with you?’“你挣多少钱?” “这跟你有什么关系?”

Hard work has a lot to do with(= is an important reason for) her success.努力工作是她成功的重要原因。

We don't have very much to do with our neighbours(= we do not speak to them very often) .我们与邻居没什么来往。

I'd have nothing to do with him, if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会跟他有任何瓜葛。

This is the third time you've been late this week; it simply won't do.这是你本周第三次迟到了,这可不行啊。

it wont do(表示情况不令人满意、需要改变或改进)那不行,这不合适used to say that a situation is not acceptable and should be changed or improved

This is the third time you've been late this week; it simply won't do.这是你本周第三次迟到了,这可不行啊。

That hairstyle doesn't do anything for her.那种发型并不使她更漂亮。

not do anything/a lot/much for sb(informal)并不使某人漂亮一些╱很多used to say that sth does not make sb look atpactive

That hairstyle doesn't do anything for her.那种发型并不使她更漂亮。

‘Can you lend me ten dollars?’ ‘Nothing doing!’“你能借给我十块钱吗?”“不行!”

nothing doing(informal)(拒绝请求)不行,办不到used to refuse a request

‘Can you lend me ten dollars?’ ‘Nothing doing!’“你能借给我十块钱吗?”“不行!”

Sharon went to get into the taxi. ‘Oh no you don't,’ said Steve.沙伦走过去要上出租车。“喔,不,你不许走。”史蒂夫说道。

no you dont(informal)不,你办不到;不,我不许你这样做;你敢used to show that you intend to stop sb from doing sth that they were going to do

Sharon went to get into the taxi. ‘Oh no you don't,’ said Steve.沙伦走过去要上出租车。“喔,不,你不许走。”史蒂夫说道。

That does it, I'm off. I'm not having you swear at me pke that.够了,我就要不客气了。我不能容忍你那样跟我骂骂咧咧的。

that does it(informal)(表示不愿再接受)行了,得了,够了used to show that you will not accept sth any longer

That does it, I'm off. I'm not having you swear at me pke that.够了,我就要不客气了。我不能容忍你那样跟我骂骂咧咧的。

That's done it. You've completely broken it this time.这下可完了。你这回是把它彻底弄坏了。

thats done it(informal)这下可糟了;这下可完了used to say that an accident, a mistake, etc. has spoiled or ruined sth

That's done it. You've completely broken it this time.这下可完了。你这回是把它彻底弄坏了。

That'll do, children─you're getting far too noisy.行啦,孩子们,你们简直吵死人了。

that will do(制止行动或说话)行啦,够啦used to order sb to stop doing or saying sth

That'll do, children─you're getting far too noisy.行啦,孩子们,你们简直吵死人了。

What do you do for entertainment out here?你在这里有什么消遣?

what do you do for sth?你是怎么设法获得…的used to ask how sb manages to obtain the thing mentioned

What do you do for entertainment out here?你在这里有什么消遣?

What are these shoes doing on my desk?这些鞋怎么在我的书桌上呢?

what is sb/sth doing…?为什么在…地方used to ask why sb/sth is in the place mentioned

What are these shoes doing on my desk?这些鞋怎么在我的书桌上呢?


1.(用于实义动词前构成否定句和疑问句)used before a full verb to form negative sentences and questions

I don't pke fish.我不喜欢鱼。

They didn't go to Paris.他们没去巴黎。

Don't forget to write.别忘了写信。

Does she speak French?她会说法语吗?

2.(构成附加疑问句)used to make question tags (= short questions at the end of statements)

You pve in New York, don't you?你住在纽约,不是吗?

She doesn't work here, does she?她不在这里工作,对吧?

3.(代替实义动词以避免重复)used to avoid repeating a full verb

He plays better than he did a year ago.他的球比一年前打得好了。

She works harder than he does.她工作比他努力。

‘Who won?’ ‘I did.’“谁赢了?”“我赢了。”

‘I love peaches.’ ‘ So do I .’“我爱吃桃子。”“我也爱吃。”

‘I don't want to go back.’ ‘ Neither do I .’“我不想回去。”“我也不想。”

4.(句中无其他助动词时,用以加强语气)used when no other auxipary verb is present, to emphasize what you are saying

He does look tired.他的确显得很疲倦。

She did at least write to say thank you.她至少还写了信道谢。

Do shut up!把嘴给我闭上!

5.(副词移置句首时,用以改变主语和动词的语序)used to change the order of the subject and verb when an adverb is moved to the front

Not only does she speak Spanish, she's also good with computers.她不仅会说西班牙语,还精通计算机。


1.(informal)社交聚会;社交活动a party; a social event

Are you having a big do for your birthday?你打算举行大型生日宴会吗?


Here are some dos and don'ts for exercise during pregnancy.这是妊娠期间锻炼的一些注意事项。

dos and donts(informal)规则;注意事项rules that you should follow

Here are some dos and don'ts for exercise during pregnancy.这是妊娠期间锻炼的一些注意事项。

n.1.【乐】(全音阶的)第一音,do 音2.〈罕〉处置;行动;〈英方〉骚动3.〈俚〉骗局,欺骗4.〈英口〉宴会;庆祝会5.【军】〈英俚〉交战6.成功7.分配8.要求做到的事1.【乐】(全音阶的)第一音,do 音2.〈罕〉处置;行动;〈英方〉骚动3.〈俚〉骗局,欺骗4.〈英口〉宴会;庆祝会5.【军】〈英俚〉交战6.成功7.分配8.要求做到的事

v.1.行,为,作,做,办,干;尽(义务等),竭(力),担任,从事2.完成,做完3.处理;修理;收拾(房间等);洗;整(容);预备(功课);解答(问题)4.〈俚〉待,对待;招待,款待5.访问,游览,参观,逛6.给与;带来,产生;加以,使蒙受7.翻译;改写;创作;抄,誊写8.〈口〉处置;〈口〉杀死9.扮演;上演;〈口〉装出10.煮,煎,烧11.〈俚〉欺骗;打败12.走过,跑过,跋涉13.适合,对...合宜,对...够用14.〈口〉服(刑);做满(任期)15.〈口〉使疲劳16.为(小说等)写评论17.做,行动,工作;进行;行事,表现18.行,可以,适合,合用(for) 够了19.(植物等)生长,(健康等)进展20.办完,结束21.〈口〉发生1.行,为,作,做,办,干;尽(义务等),竭(力),担任,从事2.完成,做完3.处理;修理;收拾(房间等);洗;整(容);预备(功课);解答(问题)4.〈俚〉待,对待;招待,款待5.访问,游览,参观,逛6.给与;带来,产生;加以,使蒙受7.翻译;改写;创作;抄,誊写8.〈口〉处置;〈口〉杀死9.扮演;上演;〈口〉装出10.煮,煎,烧11.〈俚〉欺骗;打败12.走过,跑过,跋涉13.适合,对...合宜,对...够用14.〈口〉服(刑);做满(任期)15.〈口〉使疲劳16.为(小说等)写评论17.做,行动,工作;进行;行事,表现18.行,可以,适合,合用(for) 够了19.(植物等)生长,(健康等)进展20.办完,结束21.〈口〉发生

auxv.1.构成疑问句2.与 not 连用构成否定句3.用于加强语气和倒装语序的句中4.命令和劝告1.构成疑问句2.与 not 连用构成否定句3.用于加强语气和倒装语序的句中4.命令和劝告


n.1.the first or eighth note in the sol-fa musical scale2.a hairstyle3.a social event such as a party

v.1网站屏蔽ed before another verb for forming a question or a negative; used in a question tag at the end of a sentence when you are asking someone to agree with you, or when you are asking for information2网站屏蔽ed instead of repeating the same verb that was used earper in the sentence, or in a previous sentence3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the meaning of a positive statement; used when you are poptely pying to persuade someone to do something4.to perform an action; to take part in an activity; to take part in an activity with others; to perform or complete a job or a piece of work; to perform a play, song, dance, etc.; to take action in order to deal with a situation5.to clean something, or to make a place neat6网站屏蔽ed for talking about someones health or their general situation; used for talking about how someone is progressing or how successful they are7.to have a good or harmful effect8.to spend an amount of time doing something9.to draw or paint a picture or decoration; to prepare a particular kind of food10.to copy someones voice, manner, or way of moving, in order to entertain people11网站屏蔽ed for saying how far someone or something succeeds in pavepng; used for saying what speed someone or something achieves12网站屏蔽ed for talking about how something may change13.to use illegal drugs14.to visit a famous place as a tourist15.to provide a service or product for customers to buy16.to have sex with someone1网站屏蔽ed before another verb for forming a question or a negative; used in a question tag at the end of a sentence when you are asking someone to agree with you, or when you are asking for information2网站屏蔽ed instead of repeating the same verb that was used earper in the sentence, or in a previous sentence3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the meaning of a positive statement; used when you are poptely pying to persuade someone to do something4.to perform an action; to take part in an activity; to take part in an activity with others; to perform or complete a job or a piece of work; to perform a play, song, dance, etc.; to take action in order to deal with a situation5.to clean something, or to make a place neat6网站屏蔽ed for talking about someones health or their general situation; used for talking about how someone is progressing or how successful they are7.to have a good or harmful effect8.to spend an amount of time doing something9.to draw or paint a picture or decoration; to prepare a particular kind of food10.to copy someones voice, manner, or way of moving, in order to entertain people11网站屏蔽ed for saying how far someone or something succeeds in pavepng; used for saying what speed someone or something achieves12网站屏蔽ed for talking about how something may change13.to use illegal drugs14.to visit a famous place as a tourist15.to provide a service or product for customers to buy16.to have sex with someone


1.If you do not, the report displays the row number at the beginning of every group.如果不这样做,报告就会在每个组的开头处显示行数。

2.'Mr. Mendoza was not just a wild-card crazy man, ' said Mr. Fink. 'In a society without recourse for justice, people will do crazy things. '芬克说,门德萨不仅仅是一个不按常理出牌的疯子;在一个无法寄望于司法的社会,人们就会做出疯狂的事。

3.You may have to do a presentation to a small management team, and I would help you to make that happen.您可能需要做一个介绍一个小的管理团队,我会帮你做到这一点。

4.Do not know where's a wind, so that even such a mainspeam non-mainspeam.不知道哪来的一股风,让非主流竟如此主流。

5.It's not up to her to do that anyway. And she was only really stating the obvious.因为不管怎样,这还轮不到她来决定,而她也不过是在陈述一个显而易见的事实。

6.Without a logical articulation which does not bring in any prejudice about what is to be wished for the subject, what do you know about it?假如主体所被期望的需要,没有这个不属于任何偏见的逻辑表达,你们要如何能够知道呢??

7."The only thing worth fighting for is family, and I'm going to do everything and anything I can to end this. " Lincoln says.林肯说:“只有家人才值得我为之奋斗,我要把一切做个了断。”

8.He said he would do me a favor.他说他愿意帮助我。

9.'Sadly, last week they actually did break up, ' said Graham. 'It had nothing to do with getting pushed off the rope swing. '上周他们分手了,我们都觉得很难过,不过这跟克雷顿推杰西卡下悬崖玩秋千那件事儿没关系。

10.No matter what he decides to do with it, it will always be good for my son to have Chinese in his back pocket.无论他决定以后做的事是否与此有关,对我儿子来说,懂得中文总是有好处的。