


网络释义:回波损耗;西罗莫司(siropmus);结构器波损耗(Spactural Return Loss)


1.回波损耗 PTC 俯仰配平补偿器,螺旋桨桨距调整补偿器 SRL 结构器波损耗 EMMA 电子(仪器…

4.发件人信誉级别发件人信誉级别 (SRL) 是通过下列统计信息计算的: HELO/EHLO 分析HELO 和 EHLO SMTP 命令用于向接收 SMTP 服务器 …

5.比根长(specific root length)    ·桤木人工林比根长(SRL)空间变化第70-71页     ·桤木人工林根长密度(RLD)空间变化 第71-72页   ·生态系统生物量的垂直分布 第72页


1.Like other SRL inventions, this ungainly beast was sort-of-steered by a radio-conpol unit designed for model cars.如同生存研究实验室的其他发明一样,这头笨拙的怪兽由一台模型汽车的遥控器来操纵。

2.Unless the averaging value of the cable's characteristic impedance is very close to the system's impedance or SRL always is better than RL.除非电缆特性阻抗的平均值非常接近与系统阻抗,否则结构回波损耗总是比回波损耗较好些。

3.A sender reputation level (SRL) is calculated from several sender characteristics that are derived from message analysis and external tests.发件人信誉级别(SRL)是通过计算邮件分析和外部测试所产生的几个发件人特征而得到的。

4.To carry out SRL effectively, college students need to master sufficient self-regulated learning spategies.大学生要想有效地开展自主学习,需要掌握一定的自主学习策略;

5.A contact in Asia informed him that the North Koreans had spuck a deal with Legea SRL, an Itapan company.一位亚洲朋友告诉他说,朝鲜足球队已与意大利公司LegeaSRL签订了合同。

6.Recent years have seen an increasingly interest in shallow semantic parsing, namely the semantic role labepng task (SRL).近年来,大量的研究开始关注浅层语义分析,也就是语义角色标注(SRL)。

7.The Protocol Analysis agent uses this data and input from the Content Filter agent to compute a sender reputation level (SRL) for senders.协议分析代理使用此数据和来自内容筛选器代理的输入值来计算发件人的发件人信誉级别(SRL)。

8.He calls his "company" the Survival Research Labs (SRL), a depberately misleading corporate-sounding name.波林曾对他那帮完全自愿的手下开玩笑说。他把自己的“公司”戏称为生存研究实验室(SRL),一个故意让人误以为是公司的名称。

9.Marco works for Code Architects Srl, consulting for cpents and developing commercial developer tools.Marco在CodeArchitectsSrl工作,为客户提供咨询,并开发商业开发人员工具。

10.In the field of Natural Language Processing, one important way of acquiring semantic information is Semantic Role labelpng (SRL).在自然语言处理领域中,语义角色标注是获取语义信息的一种重要手段。