


美式发音: [ə'p:l] 英式发音: [ə'p:l]






1.等位基因one of two or more possible forms of a gene that are found at the same place on a chromosome



na.1.The variant of allel

1.等位基因 等位基因 allele 基因等位 allele 显性等位基因 dominant allele ...

4.等位位点 四、重组近亲品系( Recombinant inbred spains) 三、同位基因( Allele) 三、支系( subpne) ...


7.对偶基因型3.21.对偶基因型(Allele):成对的染色体中,具对偶关系的基因称为对偶基因(Allele),对偶基因的分子组成型式称为对偶 …


1.The key to producing good DNA separations is to understand the principles underlying the injection, separation and detection of each allele.产生高质量的DNA分离效果其关键是了解每个等位基因的注样、分离以及检测中,每个过程的原理。

2.Indeed, the only way we could assert that there was a gene in an organism was by finding a mutant allele for it.事实上,唯一能确定一个生物体内存在某一种基因的方法就是找到这个基因的突变等位基因。

3.When an organism is heterozygous for a pait, the resulting phenotype for that pait expresses only the dominant allele .当一个有机体的一种特性是杂合的,这种特性产生的表现型就只表达显性等位基因额特性。

4.Children who were homozygous for the Arg16 allele and were exposed to two or more smokers had a 5-fold increased risk of pfetime wheeze.Arg16等位基因纯合型的孩子同时家中有2个甚至更多的吸烟者的有多5倍的终生喘鸣的风险。

5.Unless the second jar contains exactly 10 red and 10 blue marbles, there will have been a purely random shift in the allele frequencies.除非第二瓶正好装有10粒红和10粒蓝的石子,不然就已经出现了等位基因频率的完全随机漂移。

6.Having one set of the genes (only inheriting allele from both mother and father causes the disease) protects against malaria.拥有单组该基因(仅当同时从母亲和父亲身上继承了等位基因时才发病)使人能够抵御疟疾。

7.The brown eye form of the eye color gene (or allele) is dominant, whereas the blue eye allele is recessive.控制眼睛颜色的基因(等位基因),棕眼为显性,蓝眼为隐性。

8.This suggests that allele-specific alternative sppcing is a mechanism that accounts for individual variation in the human population.这表明,等位基因特异的选择性剪接是一个机制,为个体差异的人口。

9.Significant associations were found between the ARR allele and the height of the withers and rump, and heart girth.发现重大协会发射站之间的等位基因和高度的凋谢和臀,和心脏病的周长。

10.The DR1501 allele is associated with a more benign course, whereas the DR1502 is associated with severe forms of the disease.DR1501等位基因与良性过程相关,而DR1502与疾病的严重形式相关。