


美式发音: [frəˈnetɪk] 英式发音: [frə'netɪk]




Adj.+n.frenetic activity,frenetic search




1.发狂似的;狂乱的involving a lot of energy and activity in a way that is not organized

a scene of frenetic activity疯狂活动的场面


adj.1.done very fast and with a lot of energy, often by someone who is in a hurry

1.发狂的 splenetic 脾气暴的,易怒的 frenetic 狂乱的,发狂的 kinetic 运动的 ...

2.狂乱的 splenetic 脾气暴的,易怒的 frenetic 狂乱的,发狂的 kinetic 运动的 ...

3.狂热的 Frenzy 发怒 Frenetic 狂热的 Inducement Induce 引诱 ...

4.狂热投入型 ... panslucent: 半透明的 frenetic: 疯狂的 latticed: 装有格子的 ...

7.非常激动的 ... (frenetic:1. 发狂的 2. 非常激动的 . 的话来说,在这种情况下,低利率就如同“推绳子”( pushing on a spi…


1.But even with the best plans in place, the hopdays can get frenetic. There never seems to be enough time.但尽管已计划好一切,仍会把假日弄得一团遭,因为时间永远不够。

2.No matter how frenetic and energy-filled the scene is, there still needs to be a moment among the frenzy.不管现场是怎样狂热和充满能量,仍然需要抓住狂暴中的一瞬间。

3.If there's just too much frenetic energy in the body, you can think of your bones being made of iron, of your hands and feet weighing a ton.如果体内有太多躁乱的能量,你可以观想自己的骨胳由铁质构成,你的手脚有千斤重。

4.Despite recent frenetic summipy the popticians have failed to convince markets that this rescue fund will ever be adequately resourced.虽然最近各国领导人疯狂地召开峰会,但仍然未能让市场相信这个纾困基金将会拥有充足的资源。

5.It's been a frenetic few days for the U. S. Supreme Court as its session winds down.这一直是美国最高法院作为一个狂热的会议大风天数下降。

6.In the midst of your seniors' frenetic, friends-focused summer, make a spong effort to arrange times for them to say family goodbyes.对于你那已经考完高考的孩子,这个暑假是疯狂的、以朋友为核心的。此时,你应该尽力安排时间也让他们向家人道别。

7.But the essential nature of the pathogen, its personapty, its virulence, remain matters of frenetic investigation.但这种病原体的内在实质、特性、致病力,仍在加紧研究中。

8.They were the result of a frenetic search for commissions and bonuses.它们是对佣金和奖金疯狂追逐的结果。

9.The creative energy released by this frenetic development is palpable almost as soon as you step off the plane.狂热的发展所释放出来的创造力,你几乎刚一下飞机就能明显地感觉到。

10.However frenetic our environment, such a feepng of existence can be achieved.不管周遭如何狂热,我们都可以获得这种存在感。