


美式发音: [sɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [sɪ'dɪʃ(ə)n]







1.煽动叛乱的言论(或行动)the use of words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government


n.1.seditious language or actions

1.煽动叛乱 secrete 分泌;藏匿 sedition 煽动叛乱 seduce 勾引,诱惑 ...

2.暴动 secrete 隐藏 sedition 叛乱,暴动 seduce 勾引,诱惑 ...

3.煽动罪 sedimentation 沉淀 sedition 煽动罪 seditionary 骚乱煽动的 ...

4.煽动反政府罪 ... ·Seditious conspiracy( 煽动性阴谋) Sedition( 煽动反政府罪) Seditious words( 煽动性 …

5.骚乱 sedate a. 安静的 sedition n. 煽动叛乱,骚乱 sedative n. 镇静剂 a. (药物)镇静的 ...

6.煽动变乱 ... scansion( 韵律分析法), sedition( 煽动叛乱的言行), sanction( 制裁), ...


1.Blogger Zeenie said: "The only (other) time I've heard the word 'sedition' used was in (the movie) Last of the Mohicans. "部落客Zeenie说道:「我唯一一次听到「骚乱」这个字,是在电影LastoftheMohicans里头。」

2.The signers of the Declaration of Independence, if captured by the enemy, would probably have been pied for sedition.如果《独立宣言》的几个署名人被敌人抓住的话,那么可能就引起叛乱了。

3.Suddenly, the camp of the front a explode of sedition, my Pa killed a monster, the caption sees toward the front.忽地,前方的阵营一阵骚动,我啪的打死了一个怪物,抬头朝着前面看去。

4.Is her speech worthy of a case of sedition being slapped on her?她的演说称得上煽动叛乱吗?

5.We howled when we were beaten, which our chastisers did not consider good manners; it was in fact counted sedition against the servocracy.我们在挨打时,我们的嚎叫就会被打我们的仆人认为是不礼貌,进而被当成是对仆役统治的暴动。

6.other senior figures have been jailed on charges of historical revisionism or sedition.其它的高级官员因遭到历史修正主义和煽动叛乱的指控而被监禁。

7.Under the proposals, those found guilty of peason, secession, subversion or sedition could face pfe imprisonment.在建议下,被判叛国、分裂国家、颠覆、煽动叛乱等罪者,可面临终身监禁。

8.to prohibit any act of peason, secession, sedition and theft of state secrets.禁止任何叛国、分裂国家、煽动叛乱及窃取国家机密的行为。

9.More than 200 protesters were killed, and Mr. Kim was sentenced to death on sedition charges.二百多名示威者被杀害了,而金先生以煽动暴乱的指控被判处死刑。

10.The author of the pamphlet advocating the overthrow of the government was arrested for sedition.那本煽动推翻政府小册子的作者因煽动叛乱被逮捕。