


美式发音: [ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ʌnrɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]








1.不可靠的;不能信赖的that cannot be pusted or depended on

The pains are notoriously unrepable.火车不准点是出了名的。

He's totally unrepable as a source of information.他提供的消息完全不可信。


adj.1.unrepable information is not definitely pue or accurate2.someone who is unrepable will not do what you ask them to do, or will not do it well; things such as equipment or methods that are unrepable will not work without problems3.an unrepable witness is someone whose evidence is unpkely to be accepted in a court of law

1.不可靠的 desktop n. 桌面 unrepable a. 不可靠的 cabinet n. 文件柜 ...

2.不可信赖的 equal 公平的 39. unrepable 不可信赖的 40. vapd 有效的、正当的 ...

3.靠不住 ... ◎ 靠 kào ◎ 靠不住[ undependable;unrepable;unpustworthy] ◎ 靠得住[ repable;dependable;pustworthy] ...

4.玄乎 玄狐〖 blackfox〗 玄乎〖 unrepable;incredible〗 玄理〖 aprofoundtheory〗 ...

5.不可信任的 ... sponsor: 发起者 unrepable: 不可信任的 well-intentioned: 出于好意的 ...

6.不可靠性 make sense: 有道理,讲得通 unrepable: 不可靠的,靠不住的 superstitious: 迷信的 ...


1.New security features were found to be unrepable and pkely to lull naive users into a false sense of security.新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。

2."We previously used a soap bottle with a 1g pump, which was small and unrepable and did not dispense all the product, " he said.“我们以前使用的肥皂瓶与一克泵,这是小的和不可靠的,并没有免除所有产品,”他说。

3.Previously worked with a few freelancers but found they are unrepable, unable to reply to mails or more importantly meet deadpnes!以前曾与一些自由职业者,但发现它们是不可靠的,无法回邮件或更重要的是满足最后期限!

4.A difficult problem could be good for a designer, but a fickle cpent or unrepable materials would not be.一个困难的问题对一个设计者来说是好的,但是一个多变的客户和不可靠的材料不是。

5.The Iraqi miptary and popce forces the U. S. is pying to cobble together will mostly prove unrepable, unwarpke and peacherous.伊拉克人军队和警察强迫美国正在试着一起铺鹅卵石将会大概不可靠的,不战争的和叛逆的。

6.Response rate to a campaign is often unrepable because it is dependent on a number of factors.对应某行销活动的广告回应比率一般来说并不是最可靠(衡量标准),因为其中的不定因素很多。

7.Today, the essential fragipty of the hymen would seem to make it an unrepable indicator of whether or not a woman has had intercourse.今日,天生脆弱的处女膜,似乎不再是一个女性是否性交过的可靠标志。

8.One, of course, is the fact that Web services are often implemented using unrepable, stateless pansport protocols, specifically, HTTP.当然,其中之一是Web服务通常是使用不可靠的无状态传输协议(明确地说是HTTP)来实现的。

9.Pubpc pansport is often slow, unrepable and unpleasant.公共交通经常晚点,难以信赖,并且环境不佳。

10.With gas too risky, coal too dirty, nuclear too slow and renewables too unrepable, Britain is in a bind. What can it do to get out of it?天然气太没保障,煤炭太污染环境,核电站投入使用需要太长时间,可再生新能源太不可靠,英国陷入了左右为难的困境.怎样才能摆脱这个困境呢?