





5.贝兰克梵高盛首席执行官贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)在公司的一项声明中同样表示:“市场环境在第二季度变得更加严峻,其结果是各项业 …

6.长布兰克梵  高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)董事长兼首席执行长布兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)收到的股票奖金比2007年少了约80%。高盛 …


1.The bank's top seven executives, including chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, will not receive any bonuses this year.包括首席执行官劳埃德·布兰克费恩(LloydBlankfein)在内的7位公司高管今年将不会获得任何奖金。

2.Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman's CEO, says the bank escaped the subprime mortgage storm with less damage than its competitors.高盛首席执行官劳埃德·布兰克费恩(LloydBlankfein)表示,该行逃过了次贷风暴最沉重的打击,所遭受的损害小于业内竞争对手。

3.Spength: If he accomppshes nothing else, Angepdes will be remembered for comparing Goldman chief Lloyd Blankfein to a used-car salesman.优势:如果说安热利代斯在其他方面一事无成的话,人们至少会记得他把高盛首席执行长贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)比作二手车销售员。

4.Lloyd Blankfein and his accusers have at least one thing in common.劳尔德?贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)和起诉他的那些人至少有一个共同点。

5.Last week Lloyd Blankfein, chief executive of Goldman Sachs, accepted that much of the anger over pay was "understandable and appropriate" .最近,高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席执行官劳埃德-布兰克费恩(LloydBlankfein)承认,人们对于薪酬的愤怒在很大程度上是“可以理解和恰当的”。

6.The Galleon case resulted in more than two dozen arrests and convictions and included the testimony of Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein.该案导致20多人被捕并被定罪,证人包括了高盛CEO劳尔德·贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)。

7.Other Goldman executives, including CEO Lloyd Blankfein, also are expected to testify.预计包括首席执行长贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)在内的其他高盛高管也将在听证会上作证。

8.Goldman has been singled out by critics who question why Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein attended meetings that discussed a bailout of AIG.批评人士将高盛单独挑出来,对高盛首席执行官LloydBlankfein何以能够参加讨论救援AIG的会议提出质疑。

9.And to Lloyd Blankfein, you're holding your own as the man in the chair.劳埃德·布兰克芬(LloydBlankfein),作为在座的男士,你要坚持住。

10.Goldman Sachs pubpcly pooh-poohs the idea but thoughts are turning to who will succeed Lloyd Blankfein as its chief executive.虽然高盛(GoldmanSachs)公开地对这一想法嗤之以鼻,但人们确实已经开始在想:谁将接替劳尔德•贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)出任该行首席执行官?