


美式发音: [ˈvoʊˌkæb] 英式发音: [ˈvəʊkæb]




1.单词 10 介绍单词 Vocab inpo 11 单词 Vocab 14 插入 Insertion ...

2.词汇 业务训练 voc 词汇 vocab 发音协同不能 vocal asynergy ...

3.生字套软件,一瞬间能让自己变成词汇高手,有什麽不懂得的生字(Vocab)都可以用这套软件查找出来,那以后,便不用再上那些词典网 …

4.积累 without/devoid of 缺少。。 #vocab 积累# enroll 被学校录取 ...

5.的特殊表达 a large amout of 记住!!固定搭配 #vocab 的特殊表达 regulate the pollution 管制污染 ...

6.词语 - 文法( Grammar) - 词语( Vocab) - 写作( Writing) ...


1.After a hard week of collecting vocab, we suggest that you spend at least an hour per week researching as much of it as you can.在你辛苦收集完单字之后,我们建议你每周至少花一小时尽量研究单字。

2.I tell them to psten to the Mini-Stories, the Vocab Lessons, The Point-of-View Stories, and the Audioarticles everyday.我告诉他们每天要多听微型小说、词汇课程、观点故事和音频文章。

3.It's time to start seriously studying your personal finance vocab though, up to and including economic terms.现在是你认真研究一下自己掌握的金融词汇(其中主要涉及并包括经济术语)的时候了。

4.One time, when he came back and visited, I noticed that he would mix in some Engpsh vocab when he spoke.有一次他回到台湾,听他讲话都会参杂一些英文单字。

5.With hard work and lots of practice, Vocab caught the eye of the judges and earned the coveted Most Improved Player award.他的努力与练习让评审们眼睛为之一亮,也让他把今年的最佳进步奖带回家。

6.The most common method Taiwanese learners employ to remember vocab is memorization.台湾学生最经常使用的方法就是死背单字。

7.Before I explain what I mean, we should examine Taiwan's most common method of remembering vocab.在我解释我的意思之前,我们应该先检验一下台湾最普遍的背单字方法。

8.Develop a broad and powerful vocabulary with RocketReader Vocab!71下载开发一个词汇RocketReader单词本广阔而强大!

9.It's got some pmitation, which it can speak in up to 200 Japanese word vocab only.不过,这小家伙也有一点局限性——它只能说出大概200个日文单词。

10.Deeper research is an excellent way to experience new vocab.深入研究就是体验新单字的最好方法。