


美式发音: [ˈdʒini] 英式发音: [ˈdʒini]





1.金妮 Gilpan 吉利恩 244. Ginny 琴妮 245. Miranda 米兰达 ...

3.吉妮 在女贞路( PrivetDrive) 遇见金妮( Ginny) 遇见罗恩( Ron) ...

5.金妮的名  金妮•韦斯莱(Ginny Weasley)——金妮的名(Ginny)是金妮维亚(Ginevra)的缩写(J.K.罗琳特别指出不是维吉尼亚(Virginia))…

6.吉尼 Defense Lawyer 律师 Ginny 吉尼(人格化身) Rhodes Samuel 罗德斯·塞穆尔(人格化身) ...



1.In a foreign counpy. Ginny had never been anywhere more exotic than Florida, and nowhere by herself.金妮去过的最有异域情调的地方不过是佛罗里达而已,而且她还没有独自出过远门呢。

2.As he said it, a vivid picture formed in Harry's mind of Ginny in a white dress, marrying a tall, faceless, and unpleasant spanger.他说着说着,脑海中就出现一副清晰的画面:Ginny穿着洁白的礼服,与一个高个的讨厌的陌生男子携手步入礼堂。

3.It rang such a chord in Ginny's memory that she almost swung her head around to see if Aunt Peg was standing there behind her.这味道简直拨动了金妮记忆中的某根音弦,她差点要转过头去看看佩格姨妈是不是就站在她身后。

4.She and Ginny got into the front seat, which had been spetched so that it resembled a park bench.她和金妮坐在前面,那个座位也被加长到像公园的长凳一样。

5.To her, majoring in painting was an act of insanity akin to majoring in photocopying or reheating leftovers. Ginny's mom was born practical.对她来说,主修绘画简直跟主修复印技术和加热剩饭一样,是种疯狂的行为。

6.Rowpng has inpoduced us gradually to Ginny 's pue character to prepare us for her inclusion in the episode at the Minispy.罗琳已经逐渐地把金妮的真实性格介绍给我们,来为她在魔法部事件中的出现做准备。

7.Ron and Ginny are at home, and no doubt hear all about all the pranks Fred and George make.罗恩和金妮在家,无疑听说了弗莱德和乔治搞的所有小捣蛋。

8.Their faces only came into focus when Harry, Ginny, Lily, and Albus had drawn right up to them.当哈利、金妮、莉莉和阿不思走到跟前才真的看清了他们的脸。

9.The moment she saw Harry, Ginny accidentally knocked her porridge bowl to the floor with a loud clatter.金妮一看见哈利,不小心把她的粥碗碰翻在地,弄出了很大的响声。

10.Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again.德拉科看到了哈利、罗恩、赫敏和金妮正看着他,稍稍点了一下头,就转过了身。