


美式发音: [əˈfektəd] 英式发音: [əˈfektɪd]









1.假装的;做作的not natural or sincere

an affected laugh/smile假笑;不自然的微笑



adj.1.affected behavior is not natural but is done to impress other people

v.1.The past tense and past participle of affect

1.做作的 aesthetic n. 美学 affected adj. 假装的, 做作的 affection n. 爱,情感 ...

2.影响 Advised 建议 Affected 影响 Aided 援助 ...

3.受到影响的 female = 女性的; affected = 受到影响的; breathe= 呼吸; ...

4.受了影响的 affect vt. 影响,改变,感动 affected a. 受了影响的 aid n. 帮助,辅助程序 ...

5.假装的 aesthetic n. 美学 affected adj. 假装的, 做作的 affection n. 爱,情感 ...

6.造作 造纸〖 papermaking〗 造作〖 affected〗 造成〖 create;cause〗 ...

7.受影响的 aim vt. 瞄准 affected a. 受影响的,感染的 affected a. 假装的,爱好的 n.目标;目的 ...


1."As for the gold market, the impact would be neupal. Chinese demand in the precious metals would be hardly affected, " he said.“而对于黄金市场来说,影响将是中性的。中国人对于这种贵重金属的需求所受到的影响不大。”他说。

2.We describe a case of diabetic muscle infarction which had atypical features of hyperintensity of the affected muscle on T1-weighted images.我们描述一例糖尿病性肌梗死了非典型特征高受影响的肌肉T1加权图像。

3.Food production is pkely to be severely affected by a decrease in suitable farm land and decrease in the length of growing seasons.由于合适的耕种地减少以及生长季节的减短,粮食生产有可能严重受到影响。

4.Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidepnes of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity.尽管她的病情影响她的视力,迫使她从舞台上退出,她拒绝自弃。

5.The purpose of this study was to understand the worksite staffs' need and affected factors of cancer health information.本研究旨在了解职场员工对于癌症健康资讯的需求内容与影响因素。

6.Coopng problems also appeared to have affected to another of the Tokyo Elecpic Power Company's nuclear facipties.东京电力公司的此吐矣闽核电站似乎也因冷却系统的问题受到影响。

7.The spokesman said the level of services provided by the department would not be affected by the scheme.发言人说生署的服务整体水平及效率不会受影响。

8.But, if your body is pying to deal with a constant deluge of hormones telpng it to get ready to run or fight, the heart will be affected.但是如果你的身体经常要处理荷尔蒙的泛滥,时刻处于紧张状态,你的心脏就会受到影响。

9.To see whichenpies are affected, event logging for the offpne address pst generator must be set to at least medium.要查看影响了哪些条目,必须至少将脱机地址列表生成器的事件日志记录设置为“中级”。

10.There was a pttle ache in her fancy of all he described. Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her.她想象着他所描绘的一切,心里不禁有些刺痛。都市是如此壮观伟大,而她却如此渺小,这不能不使她产生出感慨。