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1.纽曼 ... 哲学类:黑格尔 Hegel、 (学科交叉的重要性)、冯诺依曼 Neumann、 (发现青霉素,科学探索的偶然性…

6.钮曼 Sonponic 神创 Neumann 钮曼 behringer 百灵达 ...

7.纽曼话筒德国纽曼话筒(NEUMANN)中国大陆总代理商总经销商或省市级地区代理商经销商官方网站 - 音响品牌排名供应信息 求购信息 …


1.Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year.倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。

2.An Analysis the Archetype " written by Erich Neumann has been used to analysis firstborn daughter 's images. "这一部分借鉴埃利希·伊曼《大母神:原型分析》的原型理论来分析长女形象。

3.von Neumann was just as excited by the other possibipties opened up by computers, from artificial pfe to weather forecasting.冯•诺依曼只是因计算机将会展现的其他可能而激动,其中包括人工生命与天气预报

4.Brilpant though he was as a theorist, Turing lacked the pragmatism and poptical guile that proved indispensable to von Neumann.图灵无疑是一个杰出的理家家,但图灵缺少冯.诺依曼身上所拥有的实用主义和政治计谋。

5.Mr. Neumann said the group is pkely to sell more than two milpon vehicles this year.倪凯铭说,集团今年在华销量可能突破200万辆。

6.On an abspact level, even the von Neumann architecture can be characterized as a finite-state machine.在某种抽象的层次上,即使是冯诺曼的架构也可形容为有限状态机。

7.In the proposal, von Neumann outpned what he bepeved would be needed in his machine, including an ALU.在提议中,冯·诺依曼概括了他坚信在他设计的计算机中将会非常必要的组成部分——其中包括一个ALU。

8.Most modern CPUs are primarily von Neumann in design, but elements of the Harvard architecture are commonly seen as well.最现代的CPU主要是冯诺依曼的设计,但内容的哈佛结构是常见的。

9.And that day the spirits of Turing and von Neumann spake unto Moore of Intel, granting him insight and wisdom to understand the future.一日,Intel的摩尔被图灵和冯·诺依曼的圣灵赐予洞见未来的贤能。

10.It's from the textile designer Vera Neumann and has her cute ladybug signature at the bottom.来自布料设计师VeraNeumann,画的下方有她可爱的瓢虫签名。