


美式发音: [ˈpleɪdʒəˌrɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈpleɪdʒəˌrɪz(ə)m]



复数:plagiarisms  同义词




1.剽窃;抄袭;剽窃作品an act of plagiarizing sth; sth that has been plagiarized

There were accusations of plagiarism.曾有过剽窃的指控。

a text full of plagiarisms满篇剽窃他人著作的文章


n.1.the process of taking another persons work, ideas, or words, and using them as if they were your own. Someone who does this is called a plagiarist2.an idea, story, words, or music that you use in your work without explaining that you took them from someone else

1.剽窃 ethics 伦理学 plagiarism 剽窃,剽窃物 van 有篷货车 ...

4.剽窃抄袭 presentation 专题发言 plagiarism 剽窃抄袭 project 课外课题 ...

5.剽窃计划 too highexpectations 期望值太 高, plagiarism 作弊, vomit/throw up/ 呕吐, ...

8.论文抄袭 ... 9.KnockItOff,YouIdiot! 白痴,别敲了! 10.Plagiarism 论文抄袭 11.AGirl’sExamination 美女参加考试 ...


1.That might be pue or at least plausible if, in order to have a basis, plagiarism would have to stand on some philosophical ground.这么说也许是对的,至少是有一定道理的:如果是为了找出一个基础,剽窃问题就必须有一定的哲学依据。

2.It is not such a surprise that this behavior was not easily curtailed when plagiarism extends into the upper echelons of Chinese academia.当这种不正之风在学术界的高层蔓延时,学生中的这种舞弊行为有增无减,也就不值当人们为之大惊小怪的了。

3.Academia is not the only field to be plagued by plagiarism, nor the only one reluctant to face up to it.学术界既不是唯一遭剽窃荼毒的领域,也不是唯一不愿正视它的领域。

4.This faith, said he, is but a borrowed plagiarism from one of the many allegories invented by our priests of old.这种信仰,他说,只不过是从一个寓言中抄袭来的,我们过去的祭司们曾编造过许多这样的寓言。

5.But convincing research teams that this patchwork process is plagiarism can be a difficult task for editors.但是令人信服的科学研究小组用这种方式进行剽窃对于编辑们来说,是一个棘手的事。

6.To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal information from the enemy is called gathering intelpgence.从一个人那?偷取信息叫剽窃,从敌人那?偷取信息叫搜集情报。

7.Unfortunately, by the end of this text you'll see that this kind of blatant plagiarism is a common occurence.很不幸的是,在本文后面,你会看到很多如此明目张胆的抄袭。

8.His alma mater, London School of Economics, returned money he donated and is now investigating him for plagiarism over his doctoral thesis.他的母校伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)退回了他的捐资,目前正对其博士论文抄袭一事展开调查。

9.It may also be useful in cases where the copyright of a work has been lost, either sold or given away, but plagiarism continues.它也在一些作品的版权已以丢失,或者已出售或者被取走,但剽窃行为仍然继续着的案件中起作用。

10.Enabpng Plagiarism: the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarize or to copy your own work.这些以前的学生被指控剽窃。剽窃,是指将他人的文字或想法据为己有。