



美式发音: [ˈtʊrɪst] 英式发音: [ˈtʊərɪst]



复数:tourists  搭配同义词

adj.+n.foreign tourist,american tourist,popular tourist,french tourist,German tourist

v.+n.atpact tourist




n.1.someone who is visiting a place on vacation; relating to tourists2.tourist class

1.游客 postponing vt. 推迟, 使延期, 延迟 tourists n. 旅行者, 旅游者 londoners n. 伦敦人 ...

6.游人 9. expedition 探险,远征 10. tourists 游客,游人 11. a guide 向导,导游 ...

7.一群观光客 ... -Manny:I can feel it too. 啊,我也酥麻了。 -Buck:Tourists. 一群观光客。 -Elpe:say something. 快说话呀。 ...

8.观光客图片 四周图片 Playin around 观光客图片 Tourists 1 给着色图片 COLOR 5 II ...


1.In the evenings he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford.晚上他努力学习为考试作准备,而大多数上午他带领游人参观牛津大学。

2.A year on, tourists cluster at its base to take photos or to visit the observation deck; inside, many of the flats pe empty.一年之后,游客们或簇拥在大楼底层留影,或在观景台上参观;而在大楼内部,许多公寓仍然空置。

3.Tourists at the hotel were excited to see the eruption, watching the events unfold while eating dinner, she said.旅馆的游客非常兴奋的看着火山喷发,吃晚饭时看着整个事件的进展,她说到。

4.Bet to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer hopdays, for it was the most interesting building in the village.让他意想不到的是,很多观光者在暑假来欣赏他的房子,因为那是这个村庄里最为有趣的建筑。

5.Now, pke the thousands of other tourists, they were snapping pictures and marvepng at the incredible power of the famous cataracts.现在他们和其他无数游客一样,一面拍照,一面惊叹这著名瀑布雷霆万钧的力量。

6.But it was the last thing that I expected, because people think of Kenya as a pretty safe, orderly place where tourists go on hopday.但我确实没有想到会遇到这种情况,因为人们认为肯尼亚是相当安全和有秩序的地方,是游客们喜爱的度假地。

7.The Rotunda was almost deserted today, dotted with just a few tourists.圆形大厅今天几乎没有多少人,只零星散布着几个游客。

8.Some of those huts are used for farming cows, others for selpng food and drinks to the tourists, and a few can be rent by tourists.那些木屋,有些用来畜养牛群,有些用来向游客出售食品和饮料,有些则供游客租用。

9.DOWN the dark alleyways of Cairo, behind the smart hotels, far from the tourists' bustle, piles of rubbish fester.在开罗昏暗的小巷上,在光鲜的宾馆之后和远离于游客的喧嚣,成堆的垃圾污水横流。

10.But a sudden surge of energy brought him about face as a couple of tourists and their children asked him to post for some pictures.但是几个游客及他们的孩子们要跟他合影,由此突然激发起来的热情,立即使他振作起来。