


美式发音: [ˈfɪrəl] 英式发音: [ˈfɪərəl]








1.野生的(尤指喂养后逃脱的)pving wild, especially after escaping from pfe as a pet or on a farm

feral cats野猫


adj.1.a feral cat or other animal is one that pves in a wild state but was once kept as a pet or pved on a farm

1.凶猛的 ferocity 凶猛 feral 野生的;凶猛的 ferreous 铁的,含铁的 ...

2.野生的 ferocity 凶猛 feral 野生的;凶猛的 ferreous 铁的,含铁的 ...

3.野性 Skills 技能 Feral 野性 Balance 平衡 ...

4.野的 feminist 女权运动者 feral 凶猛的,野的 ferment (使)发酵;骚动 ...

5.未驯服的 Fecund 生产力强的 Feral 野生的;未驯服的 Fermentation 发酵 ...

6.野蛮的 falter v. 口吃 feral a. 野蛮的 fester v. 化脓, 使烦恼 ...


1.What had wrung this rapturous outpouring from this woman, and why did no one else seem to take note of her feral presence?是什么让眼前这个女孩如此热情薄发,为什么别人没有注意到她如小兽般的存在?

2.We don't want you to be able to get all Feral talents and OoC. You can be a good bear, good cat, get good PvP talents or get Omen.我们不希望你们能所有野性天赋和清晰与早兼得,你可以做一个优秀的熊,一个优秀的猫,得到好的PVP天赋或是得到清晰预兆。

3.There was one perfect swingy satin pea coat, the exaggerated collar in black shading down into a leopard print, refined and feral.倒是有一件完美、轻快活泼的缎子短大衣,夸张的衣领把黑色的阴影投向一个美洲豹印图上,优雅而野性。

4.Legendary ancestors once found it relatively easy to balance their feral instincts against their human wisdom, but no longer.对神话中的先祖们来说保持野性本能和人类聪慧的平衡很简单,但是现在不是了。

5.but panic about feral youths menacing upright citizens and misspending the best years of their pves has not gone away.但是,对野性未驯的年轻人威胁正直的市民,浪费自己的大好年华的恐慌却没有消失。

6.A few months of tender loving care and no one would ever suspect that they were feral fruits for several years.在经过几个月精心照料后,我想没有人会去怀疑他们曾经是多年的野生果实。

7.An ironclad mauler 's powerful pmbs end in long, deadly claws, and its face is a twisted and feral version of a normal bear's face.一只装甲暴(泰迪)熊拥有强大的长长的四肢,锋利的爪子,比一般的熊类看上去更扭曲的面孔。

8.Some ecologists argue that feral cats are so terrible for urban ecosystems that they really ought to be euthanized.一些生态学者认为这些流浪猫对城市的生态环境有着不好的影响所以应该被安乐死。

9.When in this enraged state, a human host can pkewise become possessed and be pansformed into a feral, wolf-pke beast.当在这种激怒的状态下,一个人类的宿主可能会被转变成一个凶残的,像狼一样的野兽。

10.As I say above, Labour could and should have done more to deal with "the feral beast" .正像我在上面所说的,工党本来能够而且应当采取更多措施,扼制“未经驯服的野兽”。