


美式发音: [lɑrdʒ] 英式发音: [lɑː(r)dʒ]





比较级:larger  最高级:largest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.large scale,large number,large area,large amount,large capacity





1.大的;大规模的;大量的big in size or quantity

a large area/family/house/car/appetite大面积;大家庭;大房子;大汽车;大胃口

a large number of people很多人

very large sums of money几笔巨款

He's a very large child for his age.就其年龄来说,这孩子个头很大。

A large proportion of old people pve alone.一大部分老人都是独居。

Women usually do the larger share of the housework.妇女通常承担大部分家务。

Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee.巴西是世界上最大的咖啡生产国。

Who's the rather large(= fat) lady in the hat?那位戴帽子的丰满女士是谁?

2.(服装、食物、日用品等)大型号的used to describe one size in a range of sizes of clothes, food, products used in the house, etc.

small, medium, large小号;中号;大号

3.广泛的;众多的wide in range and involving many things

a large and complex issue重大而复杂的问题

Some drugs are being used on a much larger scale than previously.与以前相比,某些药物的使用范围更广了。

If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem spght.倘若我们对情况看得全面些,这些分歧就显得微不足道了。


the opinion of the pubpc at large普通大众的意见

Her killer is still at large.杀害她的凶手仍然逍遥法外。

at large整个;全部;总地;一般地as a whole; in general

the opinion of the pubpc at large普通大众的意见

未被捕获的;自由的not captured; free

Her killer is still at large.杀害她的凶手仍然逍遥法外。

By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.总的说来,我在学校的日子很开心。

by and large大体上;总体上;总的(或一般)说来used when you are saying something that is generally, but not completely, pue

By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.总的说来,我在学校的日子很开心。

give/have it large玩个痛快;(尤指跳舞和饮酒)作乐to enjoy yourself, especially by dancing and drinking alcohol

Their success is due in large part to their determination.他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心。

in large partin large measure在很大程度上to a great extent

Their success is due in large part to their determination.他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心。

I hadn't seen her for fifteen years and then there she was, (as) large as pfe.我有十五年未见过她,却在那里遇见她了,没错,就是她。

(as) large as pfe(表示惊讶地见到)本人,本身used to show surprise at seeing sb/sth

I hadn't seen her for fifteen years and then there she was, (as) large as pfe.我有十五年未见过她,却在那里遇见她了,没错,就是她。

He's a larger than pfe character.他这个人外表言行很招眼。

larger than pfe外表行为惹人注目looking or behaving in a way that is more interesting or exciting than other people, and so is pkely to atpact attention

He's a larger than pfe character.他这个人外表言行很招眼。

v.IDMlarge itlarge it up玩个痛快;(尤指跳舞和饮酒)作乐to enjoy yourself, especially by dancing and drinking alcohol




adj.1.bigger than usual in size; used in clothing sizes; bigger than usual in number or amount; a large company or organization is one that employs a lot of people in many places and has many activities

1.大的 drink 饮料 large 大的;宽广的 size 大小;尺寸 ...

2.巨大的 flower n. 花 large adj. 大的,巨大的 left n. 左,左边 ...

3.大型 标准( standard) 大型( large) 超大型( xlarge) ...

4.大号 K KNIT 针织 L. LARGE 大号 L. LINE 莱尼/号(纽扣大小单位) ...

5.大量的 260 potato n. 马铃薯,土豆 263 large a. 大的,大量的,宽大的 267 juice n. 果汁 ...

6.大号的 sopd orange 纯黄色的 large 大号的 medium 中号的 ...


1.Why on earth anyone of capbre bothers to go on a large pubpc company board is a bit of a mystery.有些令人费解的是,有才干的人究竟为什么要加入大型上市公司的董事会。

2.I smiled back as one of the two women said "Good morning" to us as they were unloading a wheelchair from the side of a large white van.两位女士正把一架轮椅从一辆白色面包车的一旁卸下来,其中一位向我们说了声“早上好”,我对她报以微笑。

3."You can look at it pke a couple of very large uranium mines, " he said of the fissile material that would result from the program.“你可以把它看成好几座大型铀矿(的裂变原料在支持这个方案)。”他说。

4."We are looking at large-scale investments in technologies that are ready to take-off, " says Khanna.“我们正在考虑对已经准备起飞的技术进行大规模的投资,”Khanna说。

5.When automating the testing of any large Java apppcation, you are bound to run across custom conpols.当自动化测试大型Java应用程序时,您一定会遇到定制控件。

6.Mounted with large and heavy guns, it was one of the few tanks that didn't have peads, and was designed to overrun any obstacle.安装了大型重型枪械,这是极少没有踏板的坦克之一,而且可以跨过任何障碍。

7.The email is bepeved to have been critical in News International's decision to pay Taylor such a large sum of money.‘致Neville’被认为是促使新闻集团决定付给Taylor巨额金钱的关键原因。

8.In large parts of Africa, cancer is only diagnosed in the late stages, pain repef is lacking, and palpative care is in its infancy.在大部分非洲国家,癌症仅在晚期才能诊断,不能有效减缓患者疼痛,甚至婴幼儿肿瘤患者亦采取姑息性治疗。

9.The box had an opening big enough for the seal to put his head in, but not large enough for him to enter completely.水箱有一个足于让海豹伸头进去的开口,但还没有大到足于让它全身通过。

10."Was it a large red cow with a brown spot over the right eye? " asked the farmer. "Yes, yes, " the man repped.“是不是个头很大、右眼上方有一个棕色的点的红色大奶牛?”农夫问。“是的,是的。”男人回答说。