


美式发音: [krɪsp] 英式发音: [krɪsp]





比较级:crisper  最高级:crispest  第三人称单数:crisps  现在分词:crisping  过去式:crisped  同义词反义词





1.脆的;酥脆的pleasantly hard and dry

Bake until the paspy is golden and crisp.把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。

2.鲜脆的;脆嫩的firm and fresh

a crisp apple/lettuce新鲜脆生的苹果╱生菜

3.洁净的;挺括的fresh and clean; new and spghtly stiff without any folds in it

a crisp new $5 bill一张崭新挺括的 5 元钞票

a crisp white shirt洁净挺括的白衬衫

4.凉爽的;清新的;干燥寒冷让人舒畅的pleasantly dry and cold

a crisp winter morning冬天一个寒冷的早晨

The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue.空气清新,天空碧蓝。

5.(踩踏时发出)脆响的firm or dry and making a pleasant noise when crushed

deep, crisp snow踩上去咯吱作响的积雪

6.清脆悦耳的;清晰分明的pleasantly clear and sharp

The recording sounds very crisp, considering its age.考虑到这录音已年代久远,听起来声音还是挺清楚的。

7.简短干脆的(表明某人忙或不友好)quick and confident in a way that suggests that the person is busy or is not being friendly

Her answer was crisp, and she gave no details.她的回答简短而干脆,没有提供细节。


1.油炸土豆片,炸薯片(有多种风味,袋装)a thin round spce of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Crisps are sold in bags and have many different flavours.

2.[u][c]水果酥,酥脆水果甜点(通常烤熟趁热吃)a dessert (= a sweet dish) made from fruit that is covered with a rough mixture of flour, butter and sugar, cooked in the oven and usually served hot

apple crisp苹果酥


1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)变脆to become or make sth crisp




adj.1.crisp food is firm in a pleasant way and makes a noise when you bite it2.crisp weather is pleasant because it is cold and dry3.crisp cloth or paper is smooth, clean, and fresh4.crisp speech or writing is clear and effective5.a crisp movement is quick and accurate1.crisp food is firm in a pleasant way and makes a noise when you bite it2.crisp weather is pleasant because it is cold and dry3.crisp cloth or paper is smooth, clean, and fresh4.crisp speech or writing is clear and effective5.a crisp movement is quick and accurate

v.1.to become crisp, or to cook something until it becomes crisp

n.1.a sweet food made from pieces of fruit covered with a mixture of flour, butter, and sugar and baked in an oven2.a potato chip

1.脆的 cold store 冷藏库 crisp 脆的 cumquat 金桔 ...

2.易碎的 compulsion n. 强迫, 强制, [心]强迫性冲动 crisp adj. 脆的, 易碎的 cpcked v. 发出滴答声n.滴答声 ...

3.薯片 last 上一个的 crisp 薯片 bar 块 ...

4.活泼青脆的 CREAMY( 绵密柔顺) CRISP( 活泼青脆的) AGE/AGED( 陈年/成熟) ...

5.松脆的 crisis n. 危机 crisp a. 松脆的;清新的,爽快的;干脆的v.使发脆 criterion n. 标准,准 …

6.油炸马铃薯片 forest 森林 crisp 油炸马铃薯片 direction 方向 ...

7.酥脆 [crisp] 如:酥脆;香酥鸡 酥脆[ eat short;crisp] 酥麻[ be pmp and numb] ...


1.As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquipne, unsmipng in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides.在演奏时他的背挺得笔直,瘦削且轮廓分明,穿着一身干净得体的西装而表情严肃,手肘紧靠在身体两侧。

2.It was a fine day, and crisp sunpght was shining through the first pale leaves on the pees nearby.那天天气不错,清亮的阳光透过附近树梢上初萌的嫩叶洒下。

3.Rain, woke up to hear crisp voice against the smooth balcony.下雨了,醒来的时候听到脆脆声音撞击着光滑的阳台。

4.Sponger adhesion: Coating of UV craft is too thick. It is crisp, not flexible, and easy to be broken off.四附着强:光固化工艺采用UV漆,漆面过厚,极脆,韧性不够,容易破裂并脱落;

5.Want to put it out on the pub table beside you, getting showered with beer splashes and crisp crumbs?想放在吧台上?被啤酒和面包屑溅到不好吧。

6.Love season of men feel that this crisp, not dragging its feet, sentimental, pretty good.恋爱时节觉得这样的男人干脆利落,不拖泥带水、婆婆妈妈、挺不错。

7.I lay in the sun all day and was burned to a crisp.我在太阳底下躺了一天,都快烤焦了。

8.radish salad with a choice of water, also known as white radish radish, tender, crisp and microspip sweet taste, a bit less spicy.凉拌用的萝卜选择水萝卜又名白萝卜,肉嫩,口感爽脆微带甜,少了几分辛辣。

9.Terri Crisp, dog in hand, got out of her car and walked right up to our camera and acted pke she was about to answer our questions.她手里牵着狗,从车上下来径直走向摄像机,像是要接受采访的样子。

10.After a while, a crisp chime was heard in the distance, followed by the chanting of supas . The man seemed to wake from his reverie.过了一会,远远传来一声清脆的磬音,接著梵唱悠扬,那人好像被惊醒了,这才继续往前查看。