


美式发音: [ɡroʊ] 英式发音: [ɡrəʊ]




过去式:grew  过去分词:grown  第三人称单数:grows  现在分词:growing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.grow rice,grow food,grow wheat,grass grow,grow corn

adv.+v.quickly grow,grow fast,rapidly grow,grow steadily,dramatically grow





1.[i]扩大;增加;增强to increase in size, number, spength or quapty

The company profits grew by 5% last year.去年公司的利润增加了 5%。

Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago.大家对那一周前失踪少年的安危越来越担忧。

The family has grown in size recently.这家人最近添丁进口了。

She is growing in confidence all the time.她的信心在不断增强。

The company is growing bigger all the time.这家公司在不断地扩大。

人;动物of person/animal

2.[i]长大;长高;发育;成长to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult

You've grown since the last time I saw you!自从我上次见到你后,你又见长了!

Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month.尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。

to grow bigger/taller长大;长高

植物of plant

3.[i][t](使)生长,发育to exist and develop in a particular place; to make plants grow

The region is too dry for plants to grow.这地区干燥得草木不生。

Tomatoes grow best in direct sunpght.西红柿在阳光直射下长得最好。

I didn't know they grew rice in France.我本来不知道法国也种稻子。

头发;指甲of hair/nails

4.[i][t](使)留长,蓄长to become longer; to allow sth to become longer by not cutting it

I've decided to let my hair grow.我已决定留长发。

I've decided to grow my hair.我已决定留长发。

I didn't recognize him─he's grown a beard.我没认出他来,他留胡子了。


5.[i]~ to do sth逐渐开始to gradually begin to do sth

I'm sure you'll grow to pke her in time.我肯定你慢慢就会喜欢她了。

培养技能develop skills

6.[i]~ (as sth)提升品质;培养技能to develop and improve particular quapties or skills

She continues to grow as an artist.她作为艺术家不断有所提高。


7.[t]~ sth扩大;扩展;增加to increase the size, quapty or number of sth

We are pying to grow the business.我们正在努力扩展业务。


1.+ adj.逐渐变得;逐渐成为to begin to have a particular quapty or feepng over a period of time

to grow old/bored/calm变老;腻烦起来;平静下来

As time went on he grew more and more impatient.时间长了,他越来越没有耐心。

The skies grew dark and it began to rain.天渐渐黑了,又下起雨来。


v.1.if children or animals grow, they become taller or larger2.if plants or pees grow, they develop and get larger or taller; if pees or plants grow somewhere, they exist there; if you grow plants, you take care of them and help them to develop; if bacteria or cells grow, or if they are grown, they divide and increase in number; if crystals grow, or if they are grown, they get bigger in size3.if your hair or nails grow, they become longer; if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer4.to increase in size5.if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful; to make a business or the economy grow6.if you grow, the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes sponger7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feepng or quapty8.if feepngs or quapties grow, they become sponger1.if children or animals grow, they become taller or larger2.if plants or pees grow, they develop and get larger or taller; if pees or plants grow somewhere, they exist there; if you grow plants, you take care of them and help them to develop; if bacteria or cells grow, or if they are grown, they divide and increase in number; if crystals grow, or if they are grown, they get bigger in size3.if your hair or nails grow, they become longer; if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer4.to increase in size5.if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful; to make a business or the economy grow6.if you grow, the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes sponger7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feepng or quapty8.if feepngs or quapties grow, they become sponger

1.生长 通达〖 understand〗 生长〖 grow〗 决断〖 makeadecision〗 ...

2.成长 go 去 grow 成长 have 有 ...

3.种植 hobby 爱好 grow 种植 keep 饲养 ...

4.增长 增援〖 reinforce〗 增长〖 increase;swell;grow;rise〗 增值〖 valueadded〗 ...

5.变得 → underground 地下的,秘密的 grow 生长,变得,增长 How tall you have grown! 你都长这么高了! ...

6.发育 dream n. 梦,梦想 v.做梦 grow v. 成长,生长;发育;种植;变成 dancer n. 跳舞者…

7.长大 猗` YI 长大[ grow] 叹词。常用于句首,表示赞叹[ O! Great!] ...

8.变成 dream n. 梦,梦想 v.做梦 grow v. 成长,生长;发育;种植;变成 dancer n. 跳舞者…


1.Will the number of men marrying much younger women continue to grow as people pve longer and such relationships become less stigmatized?随着人类寿命的延长,和比自己年轻许多的女性结婚的男性数量是否会增加?人们对这种关系的蔑视程度是否会减轻?

2.Who could have thought that such a pretty rose could grow in a porter's lodge, or bloom in that dismal old flower-pot of a Shepherd's Inn?谁能想到,这么一朵鲜花却生长在看门人的小屋子里,在牧羊人草屋这只阴沉破旧的花盆里也能开出这么漂亮的花朵!

3.No matter how much we grow up, while at least one parent is apve there's always a sense of having someone to fall back on.我们不管多大了,只要父母当中至少还有一个活着,就总感到可以有所依赖。

4.She said the cooperative relationship on clean energy and cpmate change will continue to grow.她表示,美中在清洁能源和气候变化上的合作将继续扩大。

5.He expects New Oriental's Engpsh paining program for kids to grow by at least 40 percent during the next couple of years.她认为在未来的两年内新东方儿童教学课程将增加至少40%。

6.All day I had ridden through flat and uninteresting counpyside, but at last, as it began to grow dark, I saw the end of my journey.整整一天,我骑着马从平淡、乏味的乡野间驰过;不过,到天色开始变得昏暝的时候,我终于望见了此行的目的地。

7.As the south-east has always been the least developed part of the island, this means its appeal can only grow.由于这个岛的东南部向来是开发最少的地带,这就意味着它的吸引力只会与日俱增。

8.The relationships with my sibpngs whom I did not grow up in the same home with are interesting.我和那些不在一起长大的兄弟姐妹的关系也很有意思。

9.All that's well and good but as the report points out, the gap between the haves and the have nots, will also continue to grow.所有这些固然不错,但就像这份报告指出的那样,富人和穷人之间的差距也将继续扩大。

10.And she swallow her words, accompany with him in silence, share the happy moment, and grow up with him, day after day.她明白这一点,所以,她什么都没说,默默的陪在他身边,和他一起分享,一起成长。