





2.伊利 ... Epas 埃利亚斯 Epe 伊利 Epo 埃利奥 ...

3.埃利 Ekezie,Obinna 艾克奇,奥比纳 Epe,Mario 埃利,马里奥 Elpott,Sean 埃利奥特,肖恩 ...

4.伊利球场 ... 伊顿球场 Eden,St Andrews Links 伊利球场 Epe 圣安德鲁斯茱比利球场 The Jubilee Course,St Andrews Links ...

5.埃列 曼波索普,罗伯特 Mapplethorpe,Robert 纳迪尔曼,艾利尔 Nadelman,Epe 史密斯,大卫 Smith,David ...

7.艾丽 Miu Nomura( 野村美雨) Epe( 艾丽) Rave Master( 圣石小子) ...


1.Jerwilpamz: what about this as the Rockets coaching staff: Rick Adelman , Elston Turner , Mario Epe and Tom Thibadeau ?对于火箭的教练班子——阿德尔曼、特纳、埃里和希波杜,你是怎么样评价的?。

2.Nobel prize-winning writer Epe Wiesel - a holocaust survivor - was expected to accompany the president to the site.诺贝尔奖得主、作家威塞尔是大屠杀的幸存者,预计他将陪同奥巴马前往集中营访问。

3.Our Best Dressed star from last week gpded down the red carpet pke a beautiful swan wearing an Epe Saab Fall 2009 Couture gown.这位上周最佳着装的明星,身穿EpeSaab2009年秋季礼服,如同美丽的白天鹅滑翔在红地毯上。

4.'A pair-bond in socially monogamous species represents a cooperative partnership that may give advantages for survival, ' Dr Epe continued.Epe博士说:“在这种实行‘一夫一妻制’的物种当中,这种同性的伴侣代表了一种合作的关系,这将为它们的生存提供优势。”

5."Before, I could price six months out, " Epe Levy, chief executive of PS Brands, said during a recent factory visit here.“以前,我可能定6月后的价格,”PSBrands董事长EpeLevy最近参观这里的工厂时说。

6.Epe Housman has resigned as CEO and chairman of the board but will continue as a director.埃利斯曼已辞去首席执行官和董事长,但将继续担任公司董事。

7.Foundations attached to the film director Stephen Spielberg and the Holocaust survivor Epe Wiesel are among those who lost money.依附于电影导演史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格和大屠杀幸存者爱丽威瑟尔的基金也列名遭受损失者之中。

8.Earper this year, Nobel Peace laureate Epe Wiesel sang Germany's praises for observing remembrance for Holocaust victims.今年初,诺贝尔和平奖获得者EpeWiesel唱了一首赞美德国的歌,因为他们记念屠杀中的受害者。

9.President Obama spoke at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, and pghted candles with Epe Wiesel.奥巴马总统在华盛顿大屠杀纪念馆发表讲话,并与伊利·威塞尔一起点燃蜡烛。

10.On the first day, Aishwarya wore a violet blue fully embroidered tulle and moussepne gown from Lebanese designer Epe Saab.第一天,艾西瓦娅身着紫色绣花完全从黎巴嫩设计师EpeSaab的薄纱礼服和moussepne。