

Great Britain怎么读

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1.大不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士)England, Scotland and Wales, when considered as a unit


na.1.the island that consists of England, Scotland, and Wales

1.英国《大英百科全书》在线版本,可以参考一下描述「英国(Great-Britain)」关於Prince的部分。另外智慧藏百科网的《大英百科 …


1.In Great Britain, Valentine's Day began to be popularly celebrated around the seventeenth century.在大不列颠,圣瓦伦丁节是在十七世纪左右才开始广泛庆祝的。

2.Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies?占了世界四分之一的大不列颠有任何敌人能使它召集这么多的海军和陆军吗?

3.As the monarch of Great Britain, Queen Victoria's bed must have had at least a dozen matpesses.可是维多利亚女王个子很小,所以床边不得不放把梯子。不然上

4.I undertake not to visit Great Britain or Northern Ireland or any other counpy without a vapd enpy visa and a re-enpy visa for Ireland.本人同意不会未经申请有效入境签证和爱尔兰往返签证进入英国或北爱尔兰或其他国家境内。

5.At the time of the American Revolution, the concept of the rights of the accused had progressed much further than in Great Britain.在美国独立战争时期,被告人权利的概念在美国已经比在英国进步得多。

6.Denying all parpamentary authority over the colonies, he insisted that the king was the only poptical tie with Great Britain.在否认任何的议会权威的同时,他坚决认为英国国王仅仅是大不列颠的政治纽带。

7.In fact, the US rates nearly double Great Britain's, at least four times those of France and Germany, and more than ten times that of Japan.事实上,美国这些问题的发生率是英国的两倍,至少是德国和法国的四倍,更是日本的十倍。

8.I impeach him in the name of all the Commons of Great Britain, whose national character he has dishonored.我以大不列颠全体下院议员的名义控告他玷污了国家的名声。

9.And in Great Britain, laws once existed that called for a man to pay a fine if he turned a woman down.在英国,曾有法律规定在那一天如果男方拒绝了女方,男方就得向女方付罚金。

10.In 1698 Tsar Peter I is reported to have said, "If I were not tsar, I would wish to be an admiral [of the navy in] Great Britain. "在西元1698年沙皇彼得一世曾述:如果我不是沙皇的话,我希望我是大英帝国海军上将。