


美式发音: [ˈɛθəl] 英式发音: [ˈeθəl]





1.埃塞尔 Esther 艾丝特 Ethel 艾瑟儿 Eudora 尤朵拉 ...

3.伊瑟尔 ... 《底特律的崩溃》 Depopia 《伊瑟尔》 Ethel 《守门人》 The Gatekeepers ...

4.艾瑟儿,英国 ... Enid, 伊妮德,塞尔特人,纯洁得毫无瑕庛。 Ethel, 艾瑟儿,英国,尊贵的,出身高贵的。 Eunice, 尤妮丝, …

5.爱塞尔 Vanessa 瓦内萨 104. Ethel 爱塞尔 222. Marcia 玛西亚 340. ...

6.埃瑟尔 Fiona 菲奥娜 ﹌★`Ethel╳ 灬 Jimmy 吉米 ...

8.伊瑟儿 Esther( 伊瑟) Ethel( 伊瑟儿) Eudora( 莤朵拉) ...


1.As you know, my late husband mad a lot of money and I am a wealthy woman. Love, Aunt Ethel.你们知道我死去的丈夫给我留下很多钱,我是一个有钱人。

2.Ethel Bopng, 79, also has phone number with the 866 prefix and said she had been getting eight to 10 wrong numbers a week from "Idol" fans.79岁的埃塞尔·波琳家的电话号码前缀也是866,她说,她一周之内会接到8到10个“美国偶像”的“粉丝”们打错的电话。

3.The news of the couple's engagement sparked conpoversy, as Ethel was an heiress to one of the nation's prominent Repubpcan famipes.这对夫妇结婚的消息引起很大争议,因为Ethel是当时美国共和党里显赫的杜邦家族的女继承人。

4.Ethel was the quintessentially next-door neighbor, in and out our back door several times a day. "Oo-hoo" was her heralding call.埃塞尔实际上就是我们的紧邻,每天总要从我们家的后门口来回好几次,嘴里发出“喔——哦”的声音。

5.Ethel: What's the matter, darpng?埃塞尔:亲爱的,怎么了?

6.The last thing he needs right now is a nasty case of writer's block. -What's it called? - Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter.他刚才需要做的最后一件事情—是关于令人讨厌的作家的情况。-它被叫做什么?-罗密欧和埃塞尔,海盗的女儿。

7.But the year passed, and it looked as if Aunt Ethel was never going to die.但是这一年过去了,似乎艾瑟儿姑姑不会死。

8.If the portable machine proves as repable as X-rays, it could be a breakthrough, says New York osteoporosis expert Dr. Ethel Siris.纽约骨质疏松症专家EthelSiris博士说,如果这个移动机器可以像X光一样可靠,那将是个大突破。

9.Her porpayal of Ethel in On Golden Pond is one of the many that will be deeply remembered.她在电影《金色池塘》中扮演的埃塞尔是众多电影形象中令人难忘的一个。

10.Ethel: Yes, I just did. What do you think of her?艾瑟儿:有啊,刚见过。你觉得她怎样?