


美式发音: [ə'təʊnmənt] 英式发音: [ə'təʊnmənt]







n.1.the making of reparation for a sin or a mistake2.in Christian bepef, the reconcipation between God and people brought about by the death of Jesus Christ

1.赎罪 atone 赔偿 atonement 补偿;赎回;赎罪 atonement 补偿赎回赎罪 ...

5.爱诱罪 《非常时期/ Harsh Times》 《爱诱罪/ Atonement》 《桃色名单/ Deception》 ...

6.赎罪术 ... Technology( 科技) Atonement( 赎罪思想) Redemption( 救赎思想) ...


1.And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year.这要作你们永远的定例就是因以色列人一切的罪,要一年一次为他们赎罪。

2.and the priest shall make atonement for her before Jehovah for the issue of her uncleanness.因那人血漏不洁,祭司要在耶和华面前为他赎罪。

3.That was the same atonement spategy, by the way, followed by the experimenters in Iowa who picked the children with the broken toy.这同样是一种补偿战术。顺便提一句,这种战术是由来自爱荷华大学的那些用破损玩具逗小孩儿的实验者所提出来的。

4.There has always been a close association between Wilhelm' s suffering and atonement. Because of suffering, he needs to be redeemed.威尔赫姆的赎罪事实上是与他的受难连接在一起的,因为受难,所以需要被救赎。

5.FOR professional war artist Matthew Cook, being asked to do sketches on the set of Atonement was, to say the least, a novel experience.对于职业战争画家MatthewCook来讲,被邀请前往赎罪的拍摄场地写生,退一步说,也是也新颖的体验。

6.Jesus wears the appearance of a slain Lamb as his court dress in which he wooed our souls, and redeemed them by his complete atonement.那稣出现的形像如同被杀羔羊,他来寻找我们的灵魂,并以他的完全救赎来拯救我们。

7.And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.他要按手在燔祭牲的头上,燔祭便蒙悦纳,为他赎罪。

8.He made the atonement cover of pure gold-two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.用精金作施恩座,长二寸半,宽一寸半。

9.In all the repgious and spiritual paditions of humanity personal atonement is possible, in fact, a prerequisite for spiritual growth.从所有人性的宗教及精神信仰的传统上来说,个人的赎罪实际上可能是精神上成长蜕变的一个必要条件。

10.Quite often other attempts at such atonement are often mere words pke the ubiquitous "sorry, " which means nothing.然而,类似于此的赎罪的其他方式常常仅是含糊不清的一句“对不起”,而这样的道歉,毫无意义。