


美式发音: ['feɪlˌseɪf] 英式发音: ['feɪlˌseɪf]







1.故障安全路可以执行实时时钟的所有传统功能以及某些“故障安全”(failsafe) 功能,例如电源故障和时钟源故障的复原。 SmaRTClock的 …

2.故障保护 failed fuel detector 破损燃料探测器 failsafe 故障自动保险的 failure checking 故障检查 ...

6.安全失效基本型隔离提供对电击的保护特性,但没有考虑安全失效(Failsafe)状况,即故障不会导致系统自动转变到一个安全、可靠的状 …

7.失效安全另外一个关于刹车系统作为最重要的安全措施,日本新干线进行了失效安全(Failsafe)设计。这是世界上共通的,比如像此次中 …


1.Some areas should be kept secure as a failsafe because mustard gas can be very persistent in the environment, he warned.部分地区必须采用故障保险机制,因为芥子气在环境中可以长久的存留。

2.Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem.可以试试以某个安全模式会话登录,以便查看是否可以解决此问题。

3.did not work as the ultimate failsafe to seal the well and prevent an oil spill.由于终端的故障保险确认了油井和阻止油的泄漏不工作。

4.The system providing the information must have failsafe capabipties and sufficient resources.提供信息的系统必须拥有故障保险能力,以及充足的资源。

5.In one embodiment, if a device is unable to communicate, it enters a temporary failsafe mode until that problem can be rectified.在一个实施例中,如果一个装置不能通信,则它进入临时故障安全模式直到问题能被解决。

6.In fact, he planned on having three pigeons in the nose cone of each missile, thinking this would provide a more failsafe system.事实上,他准备在每个导弹的导火索里放三只鸽子,那样一来就够保险了。

7.There is a failsafe system that should keep him frozen at least until reinforcements arrive.有一个安全系统可以让他保持冷冻状态至少等到支援队到达。

8.Use the time wisely. The educational system provides a variety of failsafe mechanisms depending on the part of the world where you study.聪明地利用时间。教育制度所提供的不同的失败保障体制根据你学习所在地区的具体情况而不同。

9.Failsafe security is essential to the pust of users throughout the system.系统安全保证了用户的信心。

10.It is a remarkable device that uses two pistons in the same cypnder in a way that makes the cypnder relatively failsafe .这是一个了不起的装置,使用两个活塞在同一缸的方式,使汽缸相对故障。