


美式发音: [hɪp] 英式发音: [hɪp]





网络释义:臀围(hippne);热等静压(hot isostatic pressing);坐围

复数:hips  比较级:hipper  最高级:hippest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hip fracture,left hip




1.臀部;髋the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist; the joint at the top of the leg

She stood with her hands on her hips.她双手叉腰站着。

These jeans are too tight around the hips.这条牛仔裤的臀部太窄。

a hip replacement operation髋部复位手术

the hip bone髋骨

She broke her hip in the fall.她摔倒时折断了髋骨。

2.臀部…的having hips of the size or shape mentioned



3.野蔷薇果the red fruit that grows on some types of wild rose bush


1.(informal)(衣服、音乐等方面)时髦的,赶时髦的following or knowing what is fashionable in clothes, music, etc.


‘Three cheers for the bride and groom : Hip, hip…’ ‘Hooray!’“向新娘和新郎欢呼三声:嘿,嘿…”“好啊!”

hip, hip, hooray!嘿,嘿,乌拉(或万岁)(集体欢呼声。其中一人说 hip,hip,其他人随后喊 hooray )used by a group of people to show their approval of sb. One person in the group sayship, hip and the others then shouthooray .

‘Three cheers for the bride and groom : Hip, hip…’ ‘Hooray!’“向新娘和新郎欢呼三声:嘿,嘿…”“好啊!”


‘Three cheers for the bride and groom : Hip, hip…’ ‘Hooray!’“向新娘和新郎欢呼三声:嘿,嘿…”“好啊!”

hip, hip, hooray!嘿,嘿,乌拉(或万岁)(集体欢呼声。其中一人说 hip,hip,其他人随后喊 hooray )used by a group of people to show their approval of sb. One person in the group sayship, hip and the others then shouthooray .

‘Three cheers for the bride and groom : Hip, hip…’ ‘Hooray!’“向新娘和新郎欢呼三声:嘿,嘿…”“好啊!”





adj.1.modern and fashionable

n.1.one of the two parts at either side of your body between your waist and the top of your legs; one of the two jointsparts where two bones meet at either side of your body between your waist and the top of your legs2.a rose hip

1.臀部 骨盆 pelvis 臀部 hip 带约束系统 belt respaint ssytem ...

2.臀围(hippne) 腰围 Waist:55 臀围 Hip:84 鞋码 Choes:35 ...

3.热等静压(hot isostatic pressing) GOH.=garment on hanger 走挂装 H.=hip 坐围 H/L=hand loom 手织样 ...

5.屁股 hinny 驴骡 hip 屁股 hippology 养马学 ... ...

6.髋部 rib 肋骨 hip 髋部 thigh 大腿 ...


1.HIP-HOP music has few rules. singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way.嘻哈音乐的规则非常少。歌手仅仅做他们想的然后敲击出来,或者创造出来。

2.However, progressive hip displacement continued to occur in the peatment group, and our data do not support recommending this peatment.但是,治疗组进行性髋关节脱位仍继续发展,我们的试验数据不推荐这种治疗。

3.Susan Gaden said, "I had a hip replacement 12 months ago and that sort of technology would have been very useful in my rehabiptation. "SusanGaden称:“12个月前我做了髋关节置换手术,这种技术对我的康复有很大的帮助。”

4.Although a fashionable person of the 21st century can still be described as hip, they would not be referred to as a hippie.尽管21世纪的时尚人士仍旧可以被形容为“时髦的”,但他们不会被当作一个嬉皮。

5.Bone loss is often presented in the revision of total hip arthroplasty.全髋关节翻修术经常面临骨缺损的问题。

6.Nash: I was pying to escape between him and the boards and he got me with a nice hip-check.纳什:当时我尝试从他和边线之间穿过,他很漂亮地用髋部防住了我。

7.She says she was mainly frightened for her children and touches the gun at her hip.她说她非常的担心她的孩子,她时常会用髋关节来触碰枪。

8.Finally my feet landed and I spd onto the ground. My hip fell onto the biggest piece of rock around, and I yelped out in pain.最后,我双脚著地,再滑行坐在地上,我的臀部正正跌在最大的一块石头上,我痛得不禁大叫。

9.With a spong sense of rhythm, music hip-hop away from the beautiful waltz, XXX will provide us with this elegant dance.随着街舞强烈节奏感的音乐远去而来的是优美的华尔兹,XXX会向我们介绍这优雅的舞蹈。

10.Her husband drove her through a snowstorm to a hospital, where doctors a few days later removed the prosthetic hip.她丈夫冒着暴风雪开车送她去医院,几天以后医生移出了植入的髋关节。